A spiritual tongue comes along with a spiritual ear and a - TopicsExpress


A spiritual tongue comes along with a spiritual ear and a discerning spirit! God would NEVER give anyone a spiritual tongue to represent him in speech, WITHOUT GIVING THEM A SPIRITUAL EAR to hear him through another representative as well! How do I know? Because he told me personally, “In order to be able to speak for me, you also have to be able to listen for me”. Meaning, there is NO WAY POSSIBLE one can claim he is speaking to them or through them, when they clearly can’t acknowledge or accept his speaking to them through someone else who is in use for him. You see, Christianity and Spirituality is like being in the armed forces, (The Army of The Lord) and there is a chain of command. No matter how close you may get to God, there will always be someone closer than you. No matter what way you are being used, there will ALWAYS be someone else of a higher calling and attainment with God than yourself! If you are one who CLAIMS HE SPEAKS TO YOU & THROUGH YOU, BUT YOU CANNOT ACKNOWLEDGE, RECOGNIZE, NOR ACCEPT HIS SPIRITUAL CORRECTION WHEN HE SPEAKS TO YOU THROUGH ANOTHER SAINT OF HIGHER RANKING THAN YOURSELF; Then maybe you should ask him to speak a little louder because you can’t hear him clearly, or maybe it is just not him that you hear at all! The Holy Spirit told me that sometimes when a person finds themselves getting nearer to him they also find themselves wanting to be used by him in a way that everyone will not be used, and they tend to develop a misunderstanding of their change in life, as a recruitment of a leader in his army instead of a soldier. There are people who he choose to lead, and others simply to follow. (Example) Private, Private First Class, Specialist/Corporal, Sergeant, Staff Sergeant, Sergeant First Chief Warrant Officer, Commissioned Officer, First Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Colonel, Brigadier General, Major General, Lieutenant General (etc.), and then there is (God), the General of the Army. PEOPLE; some people are only meant to be a soldier in his army not a leader! Do not place yourself in a position higher than God recruited you to be in. There is no way you are in use for him and clearly rebuke his messages! When he gives you a spiritual tongue he also gives you a spiritual ear, and a discerning spirit to recognize his voice no matter if it is direct or indirect to you, for his messages are his blessings. By: Highly Favored
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 09:57:01 +0000

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