A tad long winded, but worth it. I find when an entire thread - TopicsExpress


A tad long winded, but worth it. I find when an entire thread has been deleted during a fiery debate, one of two things has happened. Either someone went too far and started being crude and inappropriate, or someone has hit the nail on the head and the person with the authority to do the deleting chose pride over truth. That happens a lot when I debate. Its silly. And this is why I no longer admin on conservative pages. How about dont be part of the problem that you scream you are so hard core against? How about dont invoke the name of God to use it against people that are lost? Ive changed a lot. I used to do that myself, and ya know all I did was preach to an obnoxious choir. Please dont get me wrong, I dont hate this choir, but they arent on the right side of things. In fact they are probably just as lost as the people they are rebuking. Or maybe they just need a reminder. I know I did. I understand that things in this country are screwed up, but insulting and name calling isnt fixing anything. In fact, all we do is help people dig their heels in the ground and validate their own hatred. No one is open to new ideas or willing to listen when someone is spewing venom at them. We are helping people to their own demise! When we do this we are feeding off the very hate and tyranny we say we are against! Ugh. Delete me, just do it. You know what would be different? Actually loving people. Im not talking about tolerating things that go against the word of God. Im talking about actually seeing people as the people that Jesus came to save and deliver. Looking through his eyes and seeing how he handled a godless society in his own day. It wasnt through hating people and calling them insulting names. Little by little, Im changing. Little by little, Im realizing that while making stands on crimes against humanity and disgusting sold out governments are worth fighting for, being mean spirited and hateful to those around you that you disagree politically with isnt the answer either. Maybe just maybe its the most simple answer ever offered to human kind, Jesus Christ. I just want Him to fix this and if fixing this means me humbling myself in his name, not in my own false humility, but in his name I want to be on that side. Listen, Im not pretending to be some above it all wonder Christian. Im not anyone who has it all figured out. In fact anyone that knows me, and I mean really knows me, knows Im about as righteous as the worst sinner. I question my own motivations daily. Some days Im thinkin I got this all figured out. The next Im on my knees suddenly aware of my own weaknesses that arent doing a dang thing helping anyone. Its as simple as this, either Im moving in my own personal ambition or Im humbling myself and realizing Im pretty much not that cool to imagine that I have this whole thing wrapped up nicely in my pea brain. I know Im not a dumb person. I know that I can probably word ninja myself right in most situations. It sounds cocky I know, but its true. But what good is the gift of gab if its used against people? Whos helped? Whos even better for it? And is it of God at all? And better yet its all in vain if nothing comes of it. And Ive found if God is not in it, Im just spinning my tires and wasting my time. And heaven forbid, I could just be doing the enemys bidding. Oh Lord, please dont let that be the case. And if it is, forgive me. Ok now that I have bled out my brutal honesty, Im going to get off of Facebook before lose my marbles. :)
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 00:03:15 +0000

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