A teaser from Throw Him Down the Stairs: The Nursery Rhyme - TopicsExpress


A teaser from Throw Him Down the Stairs: The Nursery Rhyme Chronicles Volume 3 (unedited) Olive had enrolled the previous September for classes to work toward her third college degree. Shed obtained an arts degree at the same community college in her early twenties. Then, in her late twenties and through her pregnancy with her daughter, Sunny, Olive obtained a business degree through an online college. But, events in her life since Sunnys birth had sent Olive down a path into a future shed never foreseen. She came through very dark times with an awakened sense of spirituality that was far more keen than ever it had been in her days of attending a traditional Christian church. She learned that there could be a beautiful difference between being religious and being spiritual. Shed found herself drawn to the ways of the ancients and finally understood what had lain quietly within her all along. Before she fully even understood her own unique abilities or the journey life was taking her on, another darkness found her. A wicked adversary had tried to use Olive and then to destroy her. But, Olive had overcome yet another dark time and she finally felt like a flower in full bloom. She knew a calm and a confidence, a special sense of understanding that shed never had at any point in her life before. She finally knew without a doubt who she was. A witch.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 22:28:12 +0000

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