A thing you will notice is all of this same action by governments - TopicsExpress


A thing you will notice is all of this same action by governments everywhere is causing civil unrest ! Many countries are introducing similar laws , now as we have said , in the middle of the night legislation can be changed with the swipe of a pen , and can be made much worse at a moments notice ! ie . Egypt , recently introduced similar laws with much more danger than ours right now !! They introduced legislation that allows police to forcibly remove and disperse any protest with hefty sentences imposed on anyone Attempting to influence the course of justice PROTEST !! That is !!(this is now in Victoria ) They have the right to disperse any meetings of a public nature of more than 10 people (this is here too) So a footy team out and about could get you all locked up !!! 10 people , including meetings relating to electoral challenge !! Protest ! Campaigning !! The goal is to Sharply restrict peaceful assembly ! They are allowed to use lethal force , the decision to do so is up to the officer acting as chief at time ! Basically any officer ! Legislation in Australia is only a step behind Egypt with anti protest laws being passed here , and exclusion zones being set up for the G20 in QLD ! This is dangerous ground !! Imagine if this type of amendment was made here in Australia , as I said before with a quick swipe of a pen in the middle of the night ! Like they do with so much legislation !! That is how quickly legislation can be changed in this country !! These are the next steps for a tyrannical government , our government is displaying disturbing signs , utilising laws that clearly breach human and civil rights , allowing the torture of innocent people by allowing 23 hour lock down solitary confinement for months on end !It really is time people woke up to what WE are ALLOWING to happen to our freedoms !!! The stupid thing about this legislation being introduced now , is the fact it has been done before ! It was introduced to South Australia by Mike Rann then premier and his Attorney general Michael Atkinson , It took a couple of years but was defeated in the high court of Australia in Canberra in 2009 . After the bike clubs of Adelaide got together and formed the UMC united motorcycle council and held fund raisers and raffles etc to raise the money needed for the fight < this was something the government never expected ! Rann publicly said They will never be able to get along ! They will be shooting each other next week !!And they will be gone in a year ! Well we also formed the FREE Australia party too !! And started giving them some medicine with there own silver spoon ! Atkinson got on radio saying They are only doing it to circumvent(sidestep) the laws ! , he was right ! As being a member of a political party exempts you from the laws !!! Now with all that in mind !! And the fact Hells Angel Derik Wianahui also defeated the similar legislation later on in the year of 2009 in the High court also ! Why would the Newman government think it could get away with worse laws ?? And now Victoria Tassie and WA are doing the same ! When we won our cases , the government had to cover our costs because they lost ! That is you the taxpayer paying for our defence ! Not once , not twice , not even 3 times !! It will be every state by the time this is done !! Spending billions on this whole project including , writing of the legislation , implementing it , policing it , advertising it and much more expense ! All on the taxpayer ! OOHHH lets just throw money at that so they dont look at the icacs old chap I can imagine them saying ! All the while cop after cop is caught doing everything from theft , rape , murder and quite commonly large drug deals ! And politicians are doing hidden deals behind closed doors and rorting the system whilst receiving bloated wages ! For destroying our country ! Cutting funding to schools and hospitals and pensioners ! Raisning the pension age ! They want us to work til we are dead , wont have time to enjoy your twilight years !! It appears that the one law for them and another law for us is more evident than ever now ! Australia needs to unite and stand strong and firmly against this dangerous and unconstitutional legislation and tyrannical government !! It is absurd that our government is introducing such legislation that contravenes the United Nations human rights and liberties policies !! Australia has sufficient laws to deal with any criminal element without breaching our individual rights ! The united nations is a joke in itself ! It does nothing !! Why is it not intervening in Gaza ??? It allows war crimes and murder at will ! And persecutes no one !! Our government paid 40 million bucks for a seat on the UN when Gillard ruled ! Why was that ???? It is time to make a stand and take our country back ! Just 5 years ago most of you that had actually heard about the laws in SA , thought they would never bother you or your state , and did nothing !! Well here it is , and now we are all fighting the same battle , so the rest of apathetic Australia who thinks these laws will never affect you ! WAKE UP !!! Wake up and demand that our government repeal these laws immediately and give up on such repugnant un Australian legislation and money wastage , and get on with RUNNING OUR COUNTRY with a just and fair legal system and the sufficient policing laws that were already in place ! These pricks work for us , we pay our taxes and we pay their wages , and they get paid way to much !They must have a wage freeze and only goes up etc every 4 years or longer ! Dont cop this shit stand up and be heard be loub be proud be Aussie !!! Check out the FREE Australia party become a part of it and change this country ! Be at every protest you can get to !!! Thats my rant !! Hope you like !!
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 12:47:58 +0000

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