A thoughtful piece by a young Canadian Jew. The only way - TopicsExpress


A thoughtful piece by a young Canadian Jew. The only way progressive Jews like me will begin to speak critically about Israel beyond our Friday-night dinner tables is if we can count on non-Jews to back us up when someone links Zionism to Nazism, or starts talking ever so casually about those greedy capitalist puppet masters. Point me toward an activist group as equally committed to dispelling anti-Semitism as it is to the rights of Palestinians and I’m on board. So far, however, all I have seen is thinly veiled prejudice, and otherwise progressive liberals ignoring it. Indeed. Dear good, decent-hearted non-Jews reading this, please know, or be reminded, that therere a lot of anti-Semites out there, and that anti-Semitism is real and tangible and deadly serious and indeed quite unique in its reach and scope and chronological extent as a singular phenomenon in human history -- and that many Jews, especially ones hailing directly from the raw and historically turbulent and tragic places like Eastern or Central Europe, know this only too well from personal experience. Something perhaps to keep in mind.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 16:11:40 +0000

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