A tragic day in Kolkatas History: A city that had been the - TopicsExpress


A tragic day in Kolkatas History: A city that had been the epicentre of progressive political mobilization today witnessed a mass murderer addressing it, full with communal rhetorics. Its really painful to remember that this is the same city that stood up for strong cosmopolitan values right from the very beginning. This is the same city that had one of the hotbeds during India’s freedom struggle. Even after freedom, be it the case of anti vietnam war mobilisation, the food movements, the Tebhaga or Telangana- all had pulsated this city like its heartbeat. Even when other parts of country faced the brunt of communal hatred and riots, this city behaved with exceptional patience and tolerance. But today suddenly it seems that everything has so suddenly changes when we see this murderer openly spewing its communal venom and vitiating the atmosphere. Let us start taking the responsibility to fight these hate mongers back. This is the time when we have to protect whatever glorious we had inherited in order to defeat whatever loop wholes we kept open, for our short-sightedness. Those who are still day dreaming to fight Fascist forces with the help of TMC, wiil soon be forced to wake up from their fools paradise. Similarly some progressive forces are almost toeing the BJP line in order to portray themselves against TMCP will only fall into the trap set for them. Right Wing and Reactionary forces like TMCP or BJP cannot be fought on the piggyback of the other. It is only by the independent resurrection of left and democratic forces theses divisive force can be defeated, just the way it happened in yesteryears as well. I heard some of the clippings of Shahs speech. He was apparently very concerned by the recent Burdwan blast. the blast was condemnable and calls for serious investigation. But as long as innocent minority youth will be picked up as soft targets after these blasts, the credibility of such all such investigations will always be put to scanner. Last month during Bakrid two innocent bengali muslim migrant workers were picked up in completely arbitrary fashion in Jammu and Kshmir, and then were tortured. It is only after three weeks of incarceration these two muslim boys were released from Investigation camps. Ever since the Burdwan blast has taken place, the right wing forces have started to put this blast in a particular light. Corporate media too started presenting half baked and unsubstantiated informations further worsening the situation. Vetern journalists like Ajit Sahi has raised some serious question regarding the investigation. After visiting Khagragarh and interviewing the local people he found various discrepencies in the investigation. According to him “Jamshed (the father of Karim who died while making those bombs) says NIA officials pushed him into accepting it. According to him, his son Karim left home two months before the blast to find work as a construction labourer in Kerala. He had not called or written home since. “NIA officials came to my house and showed me a picture of my dead son on a cellphone,” Jamshed says. When he said he could not identify the body from the photo on the cellphone, they coerced him into doing their bidding. They say the grainy photo on the cellphone showed the head and upper torso of a youth, upwards from a little below the nipples. The youth in the photo did not appear to have any wounds. But, say Jamshed and his nephew Amirul, who accompanied him to the morgue, the body that was handed over to them had its chest and face partly blown, as from an explosion. In addition to this major discrepancy, what bothered them was they could not have in any way identified the body they were shown, blast-marked as it seemed. …..Several questions arise: Why did the NIA write that Jamshed had identified the body when he hadn’t? Why did the NIA show Jamshed a cellphone picture and not hard copies by an official police photographer? What is the legal validity of a cellphone picture? Why was Jamshed shown only one picture? And if Jamshed did not identify the body, why did the NIA not call for a DNA test?” Can investigation of such a serious crime be concluded without addressing these serious question? Especially when people like Mr. Shah who has links in staging fake encounters of innocent muslims like Israt Zahan, in order to gain political milage by creating mass hysteria against minority community, tries to fan communal hatred in the context of another Burdwan bomb blast, it becomes our duty to become vigilant against all possible efforts.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 14:30:17 +0000

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