A tremendous THANK YOU to Senator Martin Heinrich and especially - TopicsExpress


A tremendous THANK YOU to Senator Martin Heinrich and especially Jason Jarvis, his Constituent Services Representative, who took up my nephew Michaels, seemingly hopeless issue of trying to get the Social Security people to look at his evidence that THEY had made a mistake and were unfairly cutting off his SSI disability benefits. We got nowhere with three letters, refiling the same form 3 times, and leaving 15 messages with both his caseworker and her Supervisor. Jason Jarvis respectfully heard us out when we went into the Senators office, made copies of our information and promised that he would find an answer but indicated it might take up to 30 days...THREE days later (this past Wed.) I got a call from the SS Supervisor in the morning saying the case was being reviewed and that we probably would not need to come in or provide further documentation; in the afternoon, her investigator called to tell us that indeed an error had been made and that Michael would be reinstated and paid for August...and that he owed nothing of the more than $8900 of overpayments their error had indicated. TODAY that letter arrived! Justice has been served and I thank the Senator for advocating for my nephew. However, it frightens me to think that most people, including Michael had this been up to him to battle, simply would get intimidated, frustrated, and walk away...and just left in the dust. Not everyone has an Aunt Sue! Shouldnt the System somehow be less vindictive and overwhelming? I hate how dehumanizing the process has become, it is like you are less because you are poor or disabled...or worse, both.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 23:13:25 +0000

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