A very valuable inquiry on a comment thread of something I posted. - TopicsExpress


A very valuable inquiry on a comment thread of something I posted. If youd like a little insight into resolving where our current world meets the truth, and where surrendering the ego mind meets day to day living, read on: Rivers Scott Fisher: And how do you suspect living such ways in our modern western corporate world? Sure. Buddha said kill the ego. Lets deny ourselves. Serve others. In the end, the older I get I feel all of these type philosophical instructions have become outdated. Jesus had no mortgage or mouths to feed. Buddha had everything if wanted. Ego is not all entirely bad. Nobody can afford to sit in caves in prayer for months in the state of today. Even self help gurus are millionaires. All of them repackaging the same philosophy in different words and the most Un awakened thing we all do is purchase them. Just thoughts! Zachariah Kral: Rivers, the ego is valuable, but only as a servant to a higher self that understands its Oneness. The following you would have to take on faith if you have not had direct contact with this other vista, from someone who has daily/hourly conscious contact: Like a cell in a body that is replenished at the will of the body, a human body is meaningless other than the purpose that it serves while it is alive, which is, like a cell, to be a vessel for consciousness, and to survive, perform some worldly functions, and reproduce. The ego was created in order for the body to have its own intelligence as the vessel capable of expressing the nature of Gods creative ability in form in this particular playground (among many) with its particular constructs we affectionately call The Universe. The body, not performing its functions, must be healed of its malignancy, lest it no longer be useful to the higher being with which it is a smaller fractal part. One of the constructs in this Universe is duality, which makes creation and linearity (in the way that we know it) possible. That duality was extended to the idea of consciousness its self, and the egos, for the purpose of exploring the variety of all possibilities, were made to see themselves as individuals, separate but connected. Over time, the egos lost touch with the connected part -- human consciousness (singular). which is the collective of individual egos, had become cancerous, and were no longer recognizing any aspect of Oneness with one-another or the Earth, or the cosmos. So the higher aspect of ourselves began a process of stepping in, and healing this error -- this is why there is a great awaking occurring on this planet at this time. This is also why there is the greatest contrast and push-back from the ego mind!! The ego mind interprets this change towards recognizing Oneness as a threat to its individuality, and essentially, its very life. The contrast created through this turmoil, like war, poverty, environmental destruction, and so much more, is very valuable to the awakening process because it puts the prices of being and acting this way very much in humans faces; it is so often the dark times that are the impetuous for awakening. The thing about jobs, material thriving, or any other thing that can possibly be preferred with the mind, is that they are all inherently meaningless, and completely without value in the grander perspective. In short: it doesnt matter if your unhappy, if the world blows its self up, if everyone murders each other over Black Friday.... It doesnt matter if you die...... Because you cant. No one can. Consciousness is eternal. Only the body lives and dies, and the ego is a construct, a tool, like a computer programmed with a function for self preservation and evolution, and is simply being reprogrammed. This is the awakening. Once awakened, the ego begins to bond with its higher-self, the REAL you, and as it chooses Love over and over and over again, it begins to realize that as a part of the greater whole, the intelligence of that interconnected web of being knows how to make EVERYTHING work out AMAZINGLY! Everything begins to feel easy, like joy, bliss, and Love. All action begins to be inspired -- this is important -- it means that action is still taken, people still produce, Love is still made; the difference is that it is done from a place of knowing deep inside, always from Love, and always with account for every other aspect of creation (because our higher-self knows and is connected to all). Rivers Scott Fisher: Beautiful reply. And I thank you for taking time to do so. I almost chose to become an ordained monk a few years back after years of study and meditation in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. I found it next to impossible to do in such a modern time. Yes I feel we are all connected. Yes I feel we all have a higher self which should be studied and attempted to live within. Awareness becomes key. I guess my questioning of so many of these philosophical paths brought me to a place where at times I feel is all bullshit. Do things ever really change? Are we all really living these values and experiencing their results? And the shift that seems to be happening now in the spiritual community seems lost on me. Nothing has changed from 2000 years ago until today really. Things are just more complex and unless you enjoy homeless shelters, money is key regardless of our mindstreams that will continue on after this body dies. And in the big picture do any of us really factually know that anything will happen when we do pass. Its all rooted in faith and not logic. Zachariah Kral: Rivers - once again, I must only come from my own experience, and trust that if it rings true to you, that it will hold value somewhere in your heart. I speak with Source daily, hourly, sometimes by the minute. Miracles come through me. The supernatural is becoming common place. I can place my attention into anothers body and be them, feeling what they feel, seeing their thoughts, and sometimes even looking out through their eyes in the present, the past, and in probable futures. I have remembered so many past lives, and verified facts about the memories that I would have not known from any other Source. And joyfully, when another is ready, the energy that comes through me can awaken others. It is not blind faith to me any longer. It is, however, faith, every time I step forward when nudged, into a place I have never been... This is one of my daily dialogs with Source/my true self, as it further prepares my vessel for my purpose. As far as change goes.... it doesnt matter. It only matters whether the mind is healed or not. This planet is one of countless illusions. If for some reason this one is destroyed in this timeline before all the minds are healed, it will exist in other time lines, and there will also be other planets, other training grounds, and other constructs. To address money, yes, as it is in the belief construct of the human mind at present, it will continue to represent the flow of life energy. I am not disregarding that at all. I am, however, saying that if one were to always come from Love, and ultimately awaken, all things necessary for ones abundant survival, including the exchange of money, would easily be taken care of through INSPIRED action. People would still serve other people, and probably exchange pieces of paper for such services, for the time being; the difference would simply be that it would be Love driving the action, the service, the purpose, and the giving, rather than fear. Rivers Scott Fisher: Beautiful words today brother and I thank you for the push I need to look deeper. I sometimes forget. Lose awareness. Fear! Nice knowing love is really real among us.... Original post and comment thread: https://facebook/zachariah/posts/10152085598633767
Posted on: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 20:57:50 +0000

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