A while ago I posted that had a driver’s license problem. It - TopicsExpress


A while ago I posted that had a driver’s license problem. It started in 1985, while moving from Illinois to California and got a DUI in California while still having an Illinois License. I did everything the court told me to do at the time. Attended a class, paid a big fine. And then switched to a California license. Never heard anything about it again from any one. Until last October. Illinois posted my info on a new national database as having an Illinois having suspended my license coupled with the DUI. And California canceled my license here until I straightened out the issue in Illinois. Which involved a 30 page form, letter of reference, a bit more. And they told me it would take them (Illinois) 4 – 6 months to process. At the time, at the advice of a woman at Illinois DMV, I checked other states that I have had a License at some point. Michigan, Indiana , Kentucky and Tennessee. Every one of those states told me that they expunged all such records after 7 to 10 years. And why, I wondered, did Illinois go back 30 years? Today we learned the answer. They processed my paperwork finally and we are at the last stages. Surely processing meant that they looked at my driving record since, saw no issues and stamped an approval. I would be shocked if it took more than 5 minutes. Now, it turns out, they want a $500.00 fee. Which, of course, there is no option but to pay. Someone in Illinois figured out that for them to process all this info the to the national database ws a simple query and download plus a few first class stamps. To the info into the national database. Whether they went back 5 years ot 100 years, there is no difference in cost. People who are affected download the forms from the internet, so there is a one time cost involved that they already had to pay just for recent cases. So, again, no increase to go back to forever. Finally, there I the cost of approving the applications. In 99% of the cases, the person either has been fine since or is a clear problem drinker. That determination is made by a national DMV check. So for the cost of processor to spend 5 minutes or less per case, they collect $500 on every one of them where the people are still alive. Illinois clearly did a cost analysis and figured out that for 5 minutes additional time per each person affected, they could pocket $500. Remember, this is not the fine for the original offense. That was paid long ago. This is just a new scam fee and there is no one to complain to about it. The only recourse is to the state of Illinois and they are the ones screwing you. It is sad when government becomes a corrupt enterprise. Pretty much using mafia style tactics.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 23:49:46 +0000

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