ACTIVATING THE BLESSING As I studied the prophet Elijahs - TopicsExpress


ACTIVATING THE BLESSING As I studied the prophet Elijahs obedience to The Lord last week on how and when to move in 1kings 17, I saw Obedience coupled with Faith, in my earlier post I said, until you believe the brook is clean enough to drink from like Elijah, you wont Receive the Blessing of one Raven carrying Bread and the other Meat to feed you! This too is FAITH! Shortly after this the brook dried up and the Ravens stopped, I guess, so that Elijah wont get choked on Bread and Meat, on a lighter mood todays Reporters, bloggers and etc would have been fast to put up Amazing stories and Reports of How a man that held Rain died from bread and Meat, what a Glutton he was . . . . . Perhaps he would have died and caused a long term disaster because, who would have commanded the heavens to open up heaven again for rain to come down, it would have become a News of grave farming, hunger and death o! National Disaster for the city! On the contrary God asked him to go to Zarephath, that he had ordered a widow woman to sustain him there (verse 9) and so he went. The happenings here would cause some to say God lied, some will say that the bible is inconsistent but I would rather say, Ask for the understanding of the spirit per time! Elijah got to that town not knowing who was who but had and believed Gods word, found a widow, how he knew she was a widow, only the Holy Spirit can reveal; asked for water and in her willingness he went further to ask for the promise of The Lord! But the woman bluntly told the Prophet her condition of wanting to eat the bread and die but the man of God didnt stop but continued until his miracle was activated. Loads of us feel that God will drop money bags after we pray to him, others feel, a Christian should not ask (Im not talking of bara o!) some will say, what a shame it will be for me when people hear that I have done such and such. The question is why do we die in poverty lack and want when we can walk a higher life if we just follow scriptures as they come at certain seasons to meet our needs! Some have heard testimonies of men who didnt ask anyone but God sent persons to give in cash or kind to them and so they feel thats how God will operate in their case! Some have heard of testimonies of how certain ministers family had nothing to eat and god told them to scoop from the pot without looking into the pot and they will miraculously be scooping out food sufficient for the day. Some have heard messages from Psalm 23, that The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want by ministers who say god met their needs without them asking, through a certain fashion or manner! we have even heard of ministers who drove fuel-less in their car to certain destinations without the vehicle stopping! There are loads and loads of testimonies but brethren let me state categorically that these are PERSONAL TESTIMONIES testimonies that have happened to several people just like you and I which can also occur in the lives of several people overs and over again if thats how God chooses to meet their need. Im glad to announce to you that your own need might be met by you ACTIVATING YOUR OWN BLESSING just like Elijah did in 1kings 17! It could be take that loan, it could be ask your boss, it could be trek to that church service and meet your miracle on on the way, it could be give a smile to that colleague of yours! What ever it is doesnt mean in any minute way that you are helping God! It only means that you have left the baby Christian state of being fed all of the time to that stage where you connect with Gods word to ACTIVATE TO YOUR OWN BLESSING! Hearing him is key!!! Good morning people of God
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 05:11:36 +0000

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