ACTIVISM. What makes an activist? My father has a photo clipped - TopicsExpress


ACTIVISM. What makes an activist? My father has a photo clipped from the Sacramento Bee mid 1970s. Im sitting on Gov. Jerry Browns desk. Radical Civil Disobience! AIMster Gangsters and the drum are in the background along with Marie Potts, finally being honored just before she leaves us. We all may choose our own way of activism. Idle no more may be honorable but we have never stood idle. We are survivors! Activism is so much more than a bullhorn and a picket sign, though Ive carried both. Activism is a small child coloring on napkins and gifting them to waitresses with Love. Activism is the Elder, whose vision now falters, who chooses to rise before dawn to pray. Activism is the Earth Being who walks on two legs to fetch water three miles from their thatch hut. Activism is the laughing stock who refuses to
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 22:01:04 +0000

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