AFRICAN LEADERS MUST BE CAREFUL WITH THE CHINESE! I started following a report on the voice of America since 2003 on the growth of the Chinese population,in 2003,the Chinese government came out with a plan to spread their population considering the Chinese population growth!The plan was that,since their economy is growing and their population is growing rapidly too,it was important to open up their frontiers to their citizens to travel abroad and Africa was an open place too easily to come. Havent said that,the Chinese government then said they were going to equipped their citizens financially and the Technical knowledge in other to dominate easily in Africa. After a chronological planning,they started meeting African Heads of States signing agreements,and MOU across the whole of Africa to make it much easier for their citizens to stay on the African soil. Its not surprised to see Chinese taking over the whole of Africa and her resources in the name of construction,mining,and killing the African people for no reasons and in fact now taking our small scale Businesses. African leaders should be watchful and extremely careful with their dealings with the Chinese because inasmuch as we think the English and Americans are bad,the Chinese are killers!
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 19:05:07 +0000

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