AFRICANS IN DIASPORAS AND IN MUST UNITE: MOST OF THE WORLD CHAOS, DISUNITY AND DISABILITY IS ACTUATED BY THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, LET US FORGE A UNITED STATE OF AFRICA THAT WILL BARREL OUT AND PUT USA TO ITS MINUSCULE DUE PLACE INSTEAD OF BEING CONSTANTLY DOMINATED BY US-ACTUATED AND ESPOUSED IMPERIALISM By Senzo Scholar The attached video evince Hillary Clinton conceding that the United States of America created and funded Al-Qaeda in 20 years ago. [See video No 1: https://youtube/watch?v=Dqn0bm4E9yw] In this video Hillary Clinton admits that the Al-Qaeda as people whom the USA is fighting today were created by the USA, categorically president Ronald Reagan in partnership with congress lead by Democrats. We also know that the September 11, saga was also created by USA. Also known to many of us is an indisputable fact that de-Gaddafication process, the execution of Saddam Hussein, and the Regime Change in Egypt were all actuated and spearheaded by USA. I am personally sick and tired of this USA nonsensical undermining of us Africans in Africa and in Diasporas. I am extremely irate with the USA, for this prolonged neo-imperial agenda against developing and under developed countries especially in Africa. Pan African brothers and sisters let us unite, and stop being too soft and numb to this very lucid undermining of African States and African people all over the world by the USA, which is done in pursuit of scramble of African economic and natural resources, and covert promotion of white supremacy and black subjugation. As pan Africans in Africa and in Diaspora we need to unite and foster strategic revolutionary rebellion against any neo-colonial and neo-imperial pseudo-democratic multilateral institution(s) that are designed and positioned as covert fountains, springboard and cornerstones of looting, exploiting and economically raping our beloved African continent Let us dully apply our mind, intelligence, gifts, talents and resources for effective identification, and sharing of pragmatic & realistic ideas, actions and intervention of fostering and espousing the above-mentioned strategic rebellion. We also need to figure out practical means and ways of pressurizing the African Union to be seen to have grueling-biting political teeth. With all due respect, the African Union and our African heads of States are currently treated and regarded by USA-EURO (West) as teeth less barking puppets. It is against the backdrop of this and many other evidential instances of socio-economic and socio-political raping of Africa that enrage me to such an extent that I have established the Lovers of African Union and United States of Africa, and garnered the great administration, coordination and content management team from Africa and Diasporas. I am profoundly grateful and honored to have a team of their calibrate. They are also my inspiration, that keeps me focus, dedicated and motivated. The purpose of this project is not to create a forum of action-less rhetoric discussions, complains and rehashing of how bad we are being socio-economically and socio-politically raped and exploited by imperialist and colonials nations. My bigger picture goal is to garner at least 40 million Africans in Diasporas and in Africa, and converge them into a recognizable united civil society voice that will demand the African Union, and West to account, and stop any socio-economic and socio-political raping, exploitation of Africa by imperialist and colonials super-powers. This forum is exactly a culmination of baby steps towards the manifestation of the aforesaid. The principal object of mooting this project “Lovers of African Union and United States of Africa” is to foster practical and realistic person-to-person dynamic and live social cohesion of Africans in Diasporas and in Africa united a common mission and vision of decolonizing the African minds. My inspiration to kick starting this forum was inspired clarion calls made by Kwame Nkrumah, Patrice Lumumba & Marcus Garvey, and Thabo Mbeki. I received instructions and clarion calls made by the above-mentioned revolutionary leaders of Pan Africanism and Pan African Renaissance, which were expressed as follows: 1. Africa must unite against colonialism - Kwame Nkrumah; 2. The liberation of the minds of the African people will be a tougher battle than the eradication of settler regimes – Patrice Lumumba 3. “We are going to emancipate ourselves from mental slavery because whilst others might free the body, none but ourselves can free the mind. Mind is your only ruler, sovereign. The man who is not able to develop and use his mind is bound to be the slave of the other man who uses his mind….” Marcus Garvey ; and 4. “It is said that Africa is poor. What nonsense. It is not Africa that is poor. It Africans who are impoverish by centuries of exploitation and domination..” Kwame Nkrumah 5. Africa needs a new type of citizen, a dedicated, modest, honest, informed man. A man who submerges self in service to the nation and mankind. A man who abhors greed and detests vanity. A new type of man whose humility is his strength and whose integrity is greatness. Kwame Nkrumah 6. “Today we are one. If in the past Sahara has divided us, now it unites us, an injury to one is an injury to all”, Kwame Nkrumah; 7. “We cannot save ourselves except through the unity of our continent based on common action through a Continental Union Government. Only a united Africa under a Union Government can cure us of economic ills and lift us out of our despair and frustration.”, Kwame Nkrumah; 8. “If Africa was united, no major power bloc would attempt to subdue it by limited war because, from the very nature of limited war, what can be achieved by it is limited It is only where small states exists that it is possible, by landing a few thousand marines or by financing a mercenary force to secure a decisive result.” Kwame Nkrumah; 9. “No one would suggest that if all the peoples of Africa combined to establish their unity, their decision could be revoked by the forces of neo-colonialism. On the contrary those who practice neo-colonialism would adjust themselves to this new balance of world forces in exactly the same way as the capitalist world in the past adjusted itself to any change in the balance of power.” 10. “Africa define yourself” – Thabo Mbeki The above-cited clarion calls to action inspired me to find the Lovers of African Union and United States of Africa, as platform for fostering dynamic and live people-to-people social cohesion and integration aimed at attainment of the above-mentioned calls to action. The below attached video in less than 90 seconds, exhibit a lucid “The Power of Oneness or Power of Unity”. [See video 2: https://youtube/watch?v=nCpJwTjARnk] This is exactly how we should unite with one common objective of espousing, advocating and manifesting the Continental Union Government of Africa, which will cure us of economic ills and lift us out of our despair and frustration. The Lovers of African Union and United States is mooted to garner a new type of Pan African citizens, who are dedicated, modest, honest, informed. And garner and converge Pan African men and women who submerge themselves in service to the nation and mankind. Pan African men and women who abhor greed and detest vanity. The new type of Pan African sisters and brothers who regard and believe that their humility should be their strength and their integrity is greatness. I am nothing but a conduit to the reliving of the aspirations of our founding forefathers of the dream of African Unity, where Africa is united, to such an extent that no major power bloc would attempt to subdue it by limited war because, from the very nature of limited war, because the African unity renders what can be achieved by to be so limited. Africa United to such an extent that renders virtually impossible for African small states to be sustained victims of USA, Europe their colonial and imperial cabal, under the aegis of NATO and UN Security Council, who advocate use of and landing a few thousand marines, militia and/or use of financing a mercenary force, proxy African heads of states to secure a decisive result, of diving, conquering and raping Africa economically. Pursuant to the above-mentioned, I humbly ask the members of this forum to mobilize, recruit and invite as many pan African brothers and sisters across the globe, so that we can reach the target at latest by December 2015. Once we have reached one million memberships, we are going to formally institutionalize this forum with six head-quarters from all six regions demarcated in terms of the constitutive act of the African Union. It is against this backdrop that I hereby wish to supplicate and call upon all members of this Pan African family to invite, recruit and mobilize as many pan African brothers and sisters from all corners of the globe, to join the Lovers of African Union and United States of Africa so that we can reach the 40 million target membership. Profound thanks to all of you in advance for heeding the call to garner more people to become members of this Pan African Family. Please join the Lovers of African Union and United States of Africa which is accessible from this link: https://facebook/groups/389581704520595/ Africa must unite. God Bless Africa Aluta Continua Senzo Scholar Founding Director, Lovers of African Union and United States of Africa
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 05:20:02 +0000

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