“AGAINST ALL ODDS” Even people who don’t gamble talk like - TopicsExpress


“AGAINST ALL ODDS” Even people who don’t gamble talk like they do. Often you or I will say, “What are the chances of that happening?” Or, “I bet that never takes place” (even though an actual bet never takes place). One thing is for sure, most if not all of us have been in situations, that if there is a good outcome it will be because God orchestrated it. But, before we go too far, keep in mind, what seems like a tragic or disappointing set of events today, may very well be God at work providing a better way for us in the future. Something else to consider. Have you noticed God’s sense of humor in the Bible? It’s almost like He teases us with what He does or is going to do. And, of course He rarely does things the conventional way which simply means, the way we expect it to happen. There are times you feel like the odd person out. Everything is against you and your confidence and faith are shot. If there is a thread to hang onto, it’s hope. I’ve mentioned God’s humor and often His strange (unconventional) ways of handling things. Consider Gideon. He had at his side 32,000 men to fight the Midianites and Amalekites. I don’t know how many men they had, but the Bible says, “they were as thick as locusts and their camels could no more be counted than the sand on the seashore” (Judges 7:12). Whatever picture comes to your mind, I hope you see Gideon is outnumbered. Big time! But then God moves in and we move forward in our seats to hear the strategy the Lord will give Gideon. Here it is, “You have too many men. Follow my plan and only keep the ones I tell you to keep.” You can read the account in Judges chapter 7, but before it’s over Gideon is left with 300 men! Even we Christians would say, “Gideon doesn’t have a chance, the odds are too great! What is God thinking?” That is how someone reading this feels today. Let me remind you, that as long as you have the Lord, you are the majority! Someone once said, “There is nothing the Lord and I can’t do!” I’ve given you the scripture to read and hopefully you will. As you do, you’ll discover the Lord has Gideon and 300 men surround the enemy with each man having an empty jar in one hand and a trumpet in the other. When Gideon gives the signal everyone was to blow their trumpets then shout, “FOR THE LORD AND FOR GIDEON!” (vs17-22). When this was done the Midianites and Amalekites turned on each other with their swords. The ones who weren’t killed, fled. This is a great story, but it’s more than that. It illustrates God’s presence and power in our lives even when faced with an impossible situation. If the Lord had caused an earthquake or something else to destroy the Midianites that would be easier to understand. But blowing a trumpet and shouting followed by breaking empty jars? You gotta be kidding? No, I’m not kidding because God acts in ways we never would imagine, but when He acts, He always is the victor! If you have a personal relationship with Him, stand up straight, lift your head, put a smile on your face and start marching. The One you serve has never been defeated, nor will He. EVER! When you walk into the presence of your enemy, even though you are outnumbered and the odds are against you, like the Midianites, they don’t have a clue who they are messin’ with! God is on your side. May you sense His presence throughout this day!! I might even suggest you leave your way of handling the situation at the door and breathe a prayer, “God, it’s all yours!” You have reasons to get excited in anticipation of how God is going to show up! You may not be asked to blow a trumpet, but He most likely will do something you didn’t expect. He will be there, because He said, “I’ll never leave you nor will I forsake you!” Pastor Carnes
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 05:09:04 +0000

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