ALL THE PROOF IN THE WORLD NEEDED TO INDICT THE ISRAELI MOSSAD FOR 9/11 INVOLVEMENT - CABALIST JEWS TELL THIS JOKE PRIVATELY: “AN ORTHODOX JEW IS INTERVIEWING THREE APPLICANTS FOR A JOB. HE ASKS THEM, ‘WHAT IS 2 PLUS 2?’ THE FIRST TWO APPLICANTS ANSWER 4 AND 22. HE KICKS THEM OUT. THE THIRD ANSWERS, “‘WHATEVER YOU WANT IT TO BE.’ HE IS HIRED.” THIS IS WHAT WE ARE UP AGAINST IN THE NWO , AN ATTEMPT TO RESHAPE TRUTH ITSELF ACCORDING TO SELF-INTEREST. NO MATTER HOW POORLY DONE THE CABALIST JEW CONTROLLED ZIONIST MEDIA TRIES TO COVER UP 9/11 – THE TRUTH SPEAKS FOR ITSELF – WHICH LEADS TO ONE OF THE MOST BLATANT SMOKING GUNS (NEXT TO WTC7) IN THE 9/11 COVERUP THAT PROVES WITHOUT A DOUBT THE ISRAELI MOSSAD WERE BIG-TIME PLAYERS IN ORCHESTRATING THE ATTACKS ALONGSIDE THE HELP OF THEIR CIA/FBI COHORTS. 5 dancing Israeli Jewish Mossad agents caught celebrating while watching the twin towers collapse on 9/11 - the truth you arent being told about Israels involvement on 9/11/2001 - On 9/11, eyewitnesses reported that they saw “middle eastern” men “dancing and celebrating” as the towers were engulfed in flames across the river in New Jersey. Officials were alerted and the men were questioned and subsequently arrested. Explosive residue, box-cutters, and arab clothing were found in the moving van they were using registered under Urban Moving Systems later discovered to be a Mossad front company managed by Israeli Dominic Suter. The arrested men, Yaron Shmuel, Omer Marmari, Sivan and Paul Kurzberg, and Oded Ellner, were all Mossad agents. In the months that followed they The 5 Mossad agents seen dancing and caught with box-cutters and explosive residue in their van were sent back to Israel, uninvestigated, even after failing polygraph tests. They gloated on Israeli TV that they were there to document the event refused lie-detector tests and were repeatedly questioned about their involvement. Eventually, less than 10 weeks after they were taken into custody, these Mossad suspects of 9/11 were rescued by fellow agent and dual citizen Israeli Michael Chertoff, released from custody, and sent to Israel on minor visa violations. In November 2001, back in Israel, three of the agents, minus the Kurzburg brothers appeared on an Israeli television show. Oded Ellner speaking on behalf of the crew said, “Our purpose was to document the event.” At the very least based on this confession, Mossad knew of the attacks and didn’t warn the local authorities, rather they celebrated the event with despicable glee. This direct admission of very specific prior knowledge has gone largely unreported in the Zionist controlled media. Neither the five mossad agents, nor their benefactor, Dominic Suter, have been extradited to the US to face further interrogation or trial. Mossad front company, Urban Moving Systems, had this van filled with explosives on 9/11. The sinister mural painted on the van depicts the terrible tragedy in grim detail. Mossad agent Dominik Suter escaped to Israel after 9/11 and has never since been extradited nor brought to justice. In a separate incident on 9/11, two other Israelis were caught fleeing another Urban Moving Systems van. This van, filled with explosives, near the George Washington Bridge had a creepy and sinister mural of the twin towers smoking with an airplane shown about to crash into them. The van exploded after the suspects were apprehended. After the initial reports there has been no follow-up investigation regarding this incredibly bizarre event. Continue reading and see more at smoloko/?p=2987
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 20:48:46 +0000

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