ALLOW ME TO TAKE YOU BACK TO DECEMBER 14, 1993.....NATHAN DUNLAP ENTERED A CHUCK E. CHEESE RESTAURANT IN AURORA COLORADO, AND MURDERED 4 PEOPLE, AND SEVERELY WOUNDED A 5TH!!!! HE WAS CONVICTED OF THE MURDERS AT TRIAL IN 1996, SENTENCED TO DEATH, AND HAS BEEN ON DEATH ROW IN A COLORADO PRISON EVER SINCE!!!!! THE DEATH PENALTY WAS SCHEDULED TO TAKE PLACE ON AUGUST 18, 2014, BUT IT DIDNT HAPPEN!!!!! WHY??? BECAUSE THE LIBERAL-PROGRESSIVE-democrat GOVERNOR OF COLORADO...JOHN HICKEN-LOOPY...REFUSED TO SIGN THE DEATH WARRANT TO CARRY OUT EXECUTION!!!!! HIS EXCUSE.....I NEED MORE TIME TO FIGURE OUT THIS CASE!!!!! WHAT THE F**K????? THE JURY FOUND HIM GUILTY AND SENTENCED HIM TO DEATH!!!!!! FOR 15+ YEARS THE SENTENCE HAS GONE THROUGH APPEALS COURTS AND UPHELD!!!!! THE REAL TRUTH??? HICKEN-LOOPY IS AN ANTI-CAPITAL PUNISHMENT ASSHOLE!!!!! IMAGINE THE PAIN OF THE FAMILIES WHOSE LOVED ONES WERE MURDERED & SHOT!!!!!!! HERES A LETTER FROM A YOUING LADY WHOSE MOTHER WAS MURDERED ON THAT DAY BACK IN 1993: Governor Hickenlooper, The last Governor faced with a death penalty case was Governor Roy Romer in 1997. The jury had spoken and the decision was upheld. Governor Romer refused to grant clemency to Gary Davis, the man who killed my mother, Ginny May, July 21st 1986. Governor Romer was saddled with a big responsibility and a big decision. He made a decision to stand with the people of Colorado. The tough decision he was elected to make. He stood for the rights of the victim and her family. By making this decision he rid Colorado of a poison and in turn made this state a better place, even if only by a little bit. I will start by saying that it is comforting to know that Gary Davis is literally dead to me. I know that we do not share the same air or sleep under the same sky. I no longer have nightmares that jolt me awake with fears he has escaped and is coming to find me. No, the world is a safer place without him in it. He is gone. He is dead. Even if he met his maker in a much more humane way than that of which was afforded to my mother. Over the last four years I have personally felt attacked as you stood behind legislation that would restrict my 2nd Amendment rights. Rights that some choose not to exercise while others, like myself, are afraid not to. After you signed 5 of the 7 proposed anti-2nd Amendment bills into law, you granted Nathan Dunlap a temporary reprieve. A heartless murderer was extended an olive branch. It was clear to me in that moment that your sympathy for criminals is far greater than that of the victim. My heart goes out to the families of the victims of Nathan Dunlap. Twenty years later they are reliving this nightmare as vivid as the day that it happened. How can they ever put this behind them and try to go on with their lives? I assure you Nathan Dunlap is relishing in his popularity, signing autographs and shaking hands during his “leisure time” as an inmate. Well congratulations, Governor – you have made Nathan Dunlap a celebrity. Meanwhile, you attempt to silence the father of a victim who only wants his daughters murderer brought to justice. While you may think you are passing the buck, you will never wipe your hands clean of the fate of this criminal or the torture you are putting these families through. Though the grief of losing my mom is never a completed process, the execution of Gary Davis gave my family a chance to rebuild the pieces and to do so privately. I don’t blame the media and I don’t blame other campaigns for bringing this issue to light during this election. I blame YOU. This is an important issue. An issue that could have been a non-issue during this election cycle but I recall four years ago, you campaigned on the platform that you would uphold the Constitution and the will of the people. Clearly, you lied. Sincerely, Krista Ceresa P.S. TO THROW SALT IN THE WOUNDS OF THESE FAMILIES, JUST A FEW WEEKS AGO, HICKEN-LOOPY WHO IS LOSING THE RACE TO WIN RE-ELECTION TO HIS CONSERVATIVE CHALLENGER, THREATENED TO COMMUTE DUNLAPS SENTENCE & RELEASE HIM IF HE ISNT RE-ELECTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS COWARDLY BASTARD HAS GOT TO GO!!!!!!!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 00:03:19 +0000

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