ALONE AGAIN The Long Straight 90km Rayma and Greg have run - TopicsExpress


ALONE AGAIN The Long Straight 90km Rayma and Greg have run out of holiday. This morning they headed East. They have over 3000km to drive to the Gold Coast for a wedding on Sunday, then a 4 hour drive back to Kingaroy for work on Monday. Its been amazing having them along for the ride. So unexpected, but so appreciated. They feed me, watered me, pampered me, and carried all my extra food and water, and my trailer, for almost 700km. Without their support the journey would have been so so very much more difficult. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I know it was all new for you as well, which made it so much fun. Sorry you didnt get to see a camel Greg. I hope you long drive home is safe and enjoyable. Last night the tarp ripped in half in the wind, but we still had enough shelter to eat the last of the veggies Greg had cooked in the ashes the night before we crossed the WA border. This morning, I was loaded up with all the remaining get me to Albany, and Juliets cooking was implied. I reckon the trailer is heavier than it has ever been. Then it was goodbye, a few tears, and on ma bike. The wind from yesterday had gone. A truckie traveling west yesterday told me he was using one litre of fuel every 700 meters.....and was glad he wasnt paying the fuel costs. But today looked as if I might get the occasional didnt happen. They all seemed to go around me. I was excited to reach Caiguna Roadhouse, the start of the 90 mile straight (146.6km is the official conversion, but some say thats incorrect. Whats the real conversion Room 1?) There I met Kiwi White.....hes not a kiwi, but has been called kiwi by his mates for many years. (Is this another to add to the long list of stolen items by Aussies?) Kiwi is a seasoned traveler, 80 countries, including cycling in NZ. He and his wife are traveling from Singapore to London by train later this year. Wasnt that your idea Richard. Have they stolen that as well? So I managed 70km on the straight today. Im glad Im a seasoned rider of straights, otherwise this might do your head in. Whether or not I get to turn a corner tomorrow, or not, will depend on the wind and my body holding up.....and the road trains continuing to dodge me. Im in the high 300s. Less than 400km to go to Norseman, the end of the Nullabor Road. Now that will be something to be proud of.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 10:34:16 +0000

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