( AMERICA ) I know we are not supposed to talk politics, everyone - TopicsExpress


( AMERICA ) I know we are not supposed to talk politics, everyone has a different view or slant, and a different way of thinking, and this can turn into a heated debate causing some friends never to talk again. However, I think a discussion is necessary because we are not debating on which political party is correct but rather the demise of the United States of America. Our Founding Fathers set up a Republic form of Government, not a Democracy, on purpose, knowing that through the course of time this original Foundation, along with the Constitution, will stand up to corrupt human greed as long as the people choose to follow it. The Constitution was and is the Law of the land here to protect all of the citizens equally. That means the smallest minority has the same rights as the largest majority. The Preamble says it all: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America”. The Constitution gives the Power to the PEOPLE. The people can even change and adapt the Constitution as times change…..it’s all up to the people. This was all written in the Constitution with specific ways to amend the Law of the Land. There are provisions within the Constitution for Checks and Balances because the Founding Fathers understood that with time, greed and corruption would infiltrate even this great Republic. They foresaw and knew all the dangers possible but also knew that if the intent alone of the citizens was freedom from an abusive government and the desire to have a government that promoted life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness this Constitution made it all possible ;that to secure these rights governments are instituted among men deriving their just powers from the Consent from The Governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it. Now this is where and what concerns me so much. Thomas Jefferson said, “When the government fears the people you have liberty; When the people fear the government you have tyranny”. Friends, my question I have to ask all of you is this: Does the government fear us or do we fear the government? 1. They have NSA to spy on our every word written or spoken. 2. They set up the IRS to extort our fortunes and bully us. 3. They established the Federal Reserve to control our monetary system and value; and charge us interest to keep us in debt. 4. They took us off the gold standard to control inflation and deflation. 5. They change our laws over time slowly shifting the power of the people to the government. 6. They disguise laws that look as if they are caring for the people when in reality they are only taking away our freedoms and liberty one piece at a time. Obamacare is not about healthcare and is all about power and control. Now, I am not making this up. We are at a real crossroad here and we need to think about what direction we want to take this country. I will say this; the government was not set up to provide the everyday needs of the citizens. It was not set up to provide food, housing, healthcare, transportation, education, retirement; in essence from ”Cradle to grave”. In the same manner the citizen was not to provide 60% of their salary to the government (I can explain the 60% but as of now you need to trust me; we are taxed between 50-60% of our salary). The citizen was also not here to provide a lifestyle for permanent politicians that live as “kings”. We need to take a look at this track that our current government is on. It is not a Democratic/Republican thing. It is far deeper than that; the crossroads we are at is deciding if we want to return to The Constitution and its protection of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness that insured our freedoms and the fact that we are endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights or Do we give this all up trusting that our government will provide for us. Our founding fathers fought to get government out of our lives and we are now fighting each other to let government take over our lives again. The saying is “One who sacrifices Liberty for Security deserves neither and will end up with nothing.” Please I am asking all of us to put aside any political party affiliations and put the country first. Do what is best for our country not what is best for you. JFK said it best, “Ask not what your country can do for you but ask what you can do for your country.” Your country needs you now!!! Let’s take back our hijacked country. The man has proven himself to be dis honest,if we Americans continue to believe his lies, then we have only our complacent self to blame.How very sad that this once beyond reproach country,that stood for equality and freedom is now a symbol of weakness.Thanks Mr. Obama Hurting is an under statement. HE is destroying our nation as fast as he can. He is a non-citizen muslim that hates this nation and is only interested in his brotherhood of muslims.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 05:55:58 +0000

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