AMERICAN HORSES NEED YOUR HELP: Dear Animal Advocates, We - TopicsExpress


AMERICAN HORSES NEED YOUR HELP: Dear Animal Advocates, We urgently need your help on behalf of our nation’s horses. On Friday we learned that the U.S. Department of Agriculture approved an application for horse slaughter inspections at a plant in Roswell, New Mexico, and grant inspections at horse slaughter plants in Missouri and Iowa this Monday, July 1. It is now more urgent than ever that we stop the slaughter of American horses for good! The Safeguard American Food Exports (SAFE) Act will, at long last, prohibit the slaughter of horses for human consumption in the U.S. and ban their export abroad for that purpose. Americans do not eat horse meat for cultural reasons—and contrary to the declarations of horse slaughter proponents, horse meat is not safe. Because they’re raised as companions, not food animals, horses are given medications and other toxic substances that the FDA expressly forbids for human consumption. You already know that horse slaughter is inherently cruel. You already know that it benefits only foreign markets. But this industry is dead-set on reestablishing itself in the U.S. and continuing to victimize American horses. We cannot allow these polluting, disgusting, unspeakably cruel operations to embed themselves in our communities. The need for your voice, speaking out in opposition, has never been greater. What You Can Do Visit the ASPCA Advocacy Center online right now quickly email and call your U.S. representative and senators. Urge them to support and cosponsor the SAFE Act, or, if they have already signed on as cosponsors, thank them for standing up for horses. On behalf of the horses, thank you for your help! What You Can Do Visit the ASPCA Advocacy Center online
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 05:32:39 +0000

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