AMERICAN SECRET SERVICES SPYING ON BRITISH CITIZENS The American secret services are paying Britain GCHQ counterpart £150,000,000 a year to mine your personal information and conversations on land line phones, mobile phones and the internet. The British government claim in the House of Common that they only collect information on caller logistics e.g who called who at what time. However, the latest revelation on the News Program Russia Today claims that this is not the case. Their news report at 18:00 today clearly showed that the British government are systematically collecting recordings of every conversation and copies of every word written in emails, text and on social network site pages and blogs. It is bad enough that our own conceited politicians are allowing our own secret services to abuse the British people in this way. But to do it as a commercial enterprise and sell our personal information and private conversation in bulk to a foreign power to use against us is outrageous. THIS IS JUST ANOTHER IN A LONG LINE OF REALLY GOOD REASONS FOR US TO TOTALLY ABOLISH THE ENDEMICALLY CORRUPT PARTY POLITICAL SYSTEM NOT ONLY IN BRITAIN BUT IN EVERY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. We cannot solve this cancer of corruption in politics by just addressing the issue in one country. If we do that, the corrupt super rich and their bought and paid for equally corrupt politicians will just use other countries as a base to attack and abuse our people. No, it has to be a global, united and determined cultural and political revolution by the whole of the worlds common people. Seeing the seriousness of this growing situation I set up the Modern Nationalist website for you to use and control through a democratically elected committee of members. The site itself is not aiming to become political or form a political party so whether your an outraged Conservative, Liberal, a Laborite or a member of any other party in the world. If you have strong Nationalist views and are outraged at the level of endemic corruption in your countries politics you are welcome to join and take part. The main objective of the site is to encourage the common people to take total control of their countries political system by totally abolishing the Party Political System. Replacing this system with a system where politicians are totally independent and only accountable to the common people we can lawfully legislate against all forms of corruption at all levels of government. Please seriously consider the content of these two blogs, the vision they show will not be easy to accomplish as everyone knows that no lasting political change comes easy. However, with unity, hard work and dedication to achieving these goals we will get the sort of society and government that we not only deserve but are entitled to as citizens. modern-nationalist/groupware/forum/topic/214 modern-nationalist/groupware/forum/topic/169 Kind regards Stephan Toth
Posted on: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 18:42:34 +0000

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