AN EMAIL TO MY LOVED ONES Hello Everyone, Please take the - TopicsExpress


AN EMAIL TO MY LOVED ONES Hello Everyone, Please take the time to check out all that I have just sent you. It is important and I am concerned for all of my loved ones. Fukashima!!! This is one of the most under reported stories in America today at our expense. The Fukashima disaster even has reputable scientists saying it would be best to move to the southern hemisphere to avoid the long term affects of the radiation fallout that is continuing to spread. Children are especially vulnerable to the radiation showing up in our water supplies as far as Florida and the east coast even in Europe. Radioactive Fallout Has Been Confirmed Across the Entire Northern Hemisphere of the Earth FUKUSHIMA PLANT RELEASED OVER 7.5 MILLION TIMES THE LEGAL LIMIT OF RADIOACTIVE IODINE INTO THE PACIFIC OCEAN FRENCH NUCLEAR RESEARCH GROUP CRIIRAD ISSUES WARNING AGAINST CONSUMING SPECIFIC FOODS FOR ENTIRE COUNTRY OF FRANCE The government already raised acceptable levels of radiation standards to calm fears of the rising levels. Many scientists are clear that it is not harmless. The fishing industry is already feeling the pinch on the west coast as fish levels are diminishing due to this radiation. Most people cannot move to the southern hemisphere, but we can protect ourselves from thyroid cancer by taking iodine. The best absorbent forms of iodine are found in quality health stores including kelp (may be the best, but get kelp from the Atlantic), iodine/thyroid supplements. Also there are foods that can greatly help such as milk and yogurt being among the highest in natural iodine. When the Chernobyl disaster happened they quickly ran out of iodine pills and instead distributed red wine which works well with just a couple of glasses a day (moderation). You can run a web search to find other sources of iodine and thyroid protection from radiation. Below are a few sights and articles to view, but if you want to keep up on this you CANNOT depend on watching tv or cable news or their other media affiliates. This is being reported on, but it is being buried and suppressed. Keep up to date on alternative web news and/or radio news. You can also by pass the mainstream news outlets and go straight to UP and AP which still have issues of suppression, but if the story is only being suppressed and not completely omitted you often find related reporting here. So far most of the main stream news has reported on this some, but usually in little depth and certainly not headline. Do your own research and dont just throw out sources because they dont fit your political bend. Check claims out from many sources. Government statements on such things most always fallen short of at least the complete truth for many reasons. This is too important, especially if you have little ones you love to ignore. (* or** = might want to look at these first or they have best information as far as most credible or covering more of the issue.) * * trail1033/Health-Wellness/Fukushima-radiation-plumes-have-now-struck-the-Carolinas-and-Florida-say-reports-240542 huffingtonpost/charles-perrow/fukushima-forever_b_3941589.html?utm_hp_ref=science&ir=Science ** ** naturalnews/041610_Fukushima_radioactive_leak_state_of_emergency.html * pakalertpress/2013/09/30/fukushima-radiation-hitting-us-canada-more-than-japan/ nuclearnewsaustralia.wordpress/2013/01/23/fukushima-radiation-impact-on-usa-a-news-story-neglected-by-media/ Fish THESE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE MANY MANY SOURCES AND REPORTS AVAILABLE. I dont know if these links support all that I have told you or not I have just read too many of them and cant remember which links reveal what, but I assure you that every statement can be overwhelmingly verified if you want to look further. Please keep up on this, if for no other reason to play it safe. ALSO, probably an even bigger story for the U.S. that the mainstream media is not covering is the very real poisoning of our food and water supplies. Russia, France, and now Japan wont even buy our corn and grain any more because it is now over 70% GMO at least in corn which has been shown study after study to produce massive cancerous tumors in up to 94% of all tests cases. This is huge. 70% of our corn is eaten outright, fed to our cattle, chickens, hogs, and other livestock of which we eat the meat and dairy products including eggs. The rest of the developed world is refusing the use of Genetically Modified products because of the very great health risks. Please do your own research on this as this current president and congress on both sides of the isle have refused to pass legislation that would at least force producers to LABEL GMO containing products. This is most likely because of lobbying and just how big the GMO industry is. Farmers have to by new GMO planting corn every year instead of saving some of the crop to replant as the did for the existence of farming. Big Big $$$ for Monsanto and like companies. Most of what we eat in the grocery store now contains GMO products and cancer rates are soaring in this country. You can also do an engine search to see lists of the greatest affected foods that are now GMO. Sorry, I dont have the time right now to give you the links, but it is easy to search. Please do so for better health and maybe even save your life. Lots of love and blessings, Jay
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 04:57:48 +0000

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