AN EVENING WITH EVA _ Kevin John Episode 15 It was a bit - TopicsExpress


AN EVENING WITH EVA _ Kevin John Episode 15 It was a bit rowdy when they got to the premier of the movie at the Cinemas in Victoria Island. The parking lot was filled to the brim and cars had begun to park on the streets. The chauffer driving them found a spot just adjacent the Galleria entrance and parked the white Range Rover Autobiography Exquisite Edition neatly. Sean and Eva were attending as a couple and were all smiles as they got off the jeep and walked to the red carpet. For Sean it was an opportunity to get out of the house and get some air after eleven days of compulsory house arrest. He saw nothing amusing about the whole charade. He was not going to be in any sort of action. The Colonel’s instruction was to be all smiles and play nice. He itched for action. He had not used the gym in close to two weeks. His muscles already felt flabby. He wanted to feel alive. He fought the temptation to break away from Eva and snoop around. He knew he was not going to get any chance to do that. Eva was to make sure of that. He kept up the act, smiling dryly at the cameras and posing intermittently for the paparazzi. For Eva it was another day to show off her curves, to display her beauty and to be naughty. The Colonel was on the thirteenth floor of a bank, three hundred yards opposite the Galleria. He had already set up his devices, and was looking through the eyes of his powerful binoculars, monitoring guests and waiting for his golden fish to arrive. There was a sniper rifle set up on a tripod to his left, overlooking the street through an open window. For the Colonel it was a night to strike the predator. He was going to wait for the perfect moment, and then he would attack. Unseen. Unnoticed. As the Video Jockey interviewed Eva who was holding on to Sean’s arm, Sophia walked in to the Galleria. She was dressed in a beautiful red short sleeved gown which accentuated her curves. She wore light make up and her beautiful face shined in the illumination of the room. Sean saw her first. His eyes met Sophia’s. They were locked in that gaze for about 10 seconds until someone accosted Sophia, asking that she take a picture with him. Eva was busy replying the questions from the VJ. However she had seen Sophia too, but none of them noticed. Sean scratched the middle of his head with his forefinger The Colonel saw the sign. “Roger that papi. I see her.” The Colonel said. Sean heard it through the wireless earpiece that was carefully and strategically placed inside his left ear. He brought his hand to his moustache, rubbing it gently. It was a sign to tell the Colonel that he had lost visual of Sophia. “Sir, you look really good. What are your expectations for this movie?” The VJ asked Sean “I think it is going to be a great watch thank you. We want front row seats so we have to go now.” Sean replied, cutting him off and leading Eva away from the red carpet and towards the cinema room. As they walked, Sean whispered to her ears, “Is she alone?” Eva did not turn or look sideways. She knew the message was not for her but for the Colonel. “For now she looks alone. But I doubt that she came here unaccompanied. Soon, I will be able to sniff out her goons. They are doing a good job of blending in right now but they will give themselves away before long.” The Colonel replied to Sean’s ears. “Okay Davinci.” Sean finished. They stood in a queue, waiting for the cinema room to be opened so that they could go in and watch the movie. Sophia was still on the red carpet taking pictures and signing autographs. She was widely known for her varying range of designer clothing called SophFactor and the humanitarian works she was deeply engaged in. She watched as Sean and Eva moved to the waiting line and noticed how close he whispered to Eva. She fought the desire to grab Sean and kiss him softly on the lips. He was looking very handsome and cool. However, she was not alone. ************************************************************************************* There were a few agents in the room in strategic positions and a handful outside the building. Sophia wore a gold necklace with a golden Versace head pendant. It was not just a pendant. It was a tiny but powerful indoor camera. There were five agents in a black ford van six buildings away from the Galleria, working the phones and watching every single surveillance footage within a kilometer radius of the vicinity. Ope was in the van and he was responsible for Sophia’s safety. He had access to the tiny powerful camera embedded within her necklace. “A lovely couple, aren’t they?” Ope said The golden studs that Sophia had in her ear holes were not just earrings. They were audio receptors to listen in on whatever information Ope and other agents had for her. “Ope. You really want to look for trouble don’t you?” Sophia replied, walking towards the cinema entrance to join the already long queue of waiting people. She spoke very subtly, barely opening her lips. Nobody noticed anything. “Pardon me ma’am. It was just a harmless observation.” Ope replied. Sophia cleared her throat, making soft grunting sounds. Ope understood what she wanted. “It’s a code green. Targets are visible and the weather is good enough to tango. We are keeping close watch on the two lovebirds. If we get a point of entry, we will pass the information to you at once.” Ope said. “Okay. Good. What can you see from CAM 2?” Sophia said again, very quietly covering her lips with her left palm CAM 2 was the surveillance camera attached to the door allowing entry into the viewing room. “All clear. Sean has been whispering into Eva’s ears too often. I’m thinking they may be scheming something. Be careful Agent S.” Ope said. Sophia did not reply. She reached into her pretty diamond studded purse and took out a small lipstick. It had a button attached to it. It was not a lipstick but an ultra sound disrupter. When activated, it sends very high pitched frequencies through the radio waves, disrupting any kind of signal for the 50 meters. She had brought the ultra sound disrupter just so that she could ascertain if Sean was having help from outside. She had earlier warned all agents working with her that when Ope gave the sign, they should all deactivate their ear buds so that they do not get affected by the disrupted signal. Sophia brought the lipstick to her chest level so that Ope could have a good view. She held it there for three seconds. It was more than enough time for Ope to warn the others. As the queue began to move slowly she pressed the button. Immediately Sophia pressed the button, Sean held his head in his hands. He was in excruciating pain. Eva tried asking him what the problem was but Sean was in too much pain and unable to reply. He tried to control the pain, but it was sharp and tore through his head. The device in his ear was delivering a very high pitched sound and only he could hear it. The people behind him wondered what was going on. Eva tried desperately to talk to him but he would not reply. Still in pain, he put his left forefinger into his left ear and pulled out the tiny round device. He felt relieved. He held the tiny device in his hands as they entered the very dark viewing room. “I think it’s faulty. It almost turned me deaf.” Sean said to Eva, handing the device to her. Eva collected the device from him, keeping it in a small area of her handbag. As they climbed the stairs in the viewing room and walked through the row of seats, Sean looked round and backwards. The room was dark but he was hoping that he could pick out a familiar face. He could not. Sophia smiled. She had witnessed the small drama. Her instincts had been right after all. Sean and Eva were not working alone. The Colonel opened a plastic bottle of Coke and drank the contents up till half. He had lost contact with Sean a few minutes back. At first he almost panicked. But when the transponder came on again, he understood what had happened. Someone had used a Sound Disrupter. Before the connection went off, there was a brief static. He had heard Sean’s barely audible groan before the connection came back on. He had tried to re-establish contact, calling Sean’s name several times to no avail. Some one knew that Sean was not alone. The Colonel knew that if he decided to go in, the whole operation would be jeopardized. That was exactly what they wanted him to do. Draw him out of obscurity and nail him. Sean was going to have to find a way out of this one on his own. Deep inside him, The Colonel had no doubts whatsoever of what of Sean was capable of. He sipped his coke and prayed that all would go well. **************************************** Ambrose was sitting in a chair inside a large and beautifully furnished office. He was laid back and relaxed, his back resting on the swivel chair and his legs crossed on the desk. He had his hands behind his head as he listened to the soft jazz that played from his very old Ipod Unlimited. The office formerly belonged to Tawo. Upon his recovery Ambrose had been instructed to take control of the Operations of BeeHive. The current objective was to isolate The Colonel. Ambrose was also monitoring the Galleria Operation, serving as a back end last resort if things got out of hand. “Incoming message from BeeHive Agent Ambrose.” An electronic voice said from the 42 inch computer screen on the wall in front of him. “Let’s hear it Iris.” Ambrose replied. “The Colonel left target coordinates eighteen hours ago. He was spotted in a black Mazda Mpv Le with unregistered plates. Sean and Eva were in the same car.” Iris finished. Ambrose jerked from his chair and got up immediately. He pressed a button on his table. “Tell me you have more than that.” Ambrose said. The button was a direct connection to BeeHive working in the floor below him. “Actually we do.” Someone replied. “Is that Agent Nedu?” Ambrose asked. “Reporting sir. After we sent that mail, we tracked the car carefully, noting all landmarks that it had passed through. It stopped S70W degrees and has not moved beyond that for fifteen minutes now. We tracked the coordinates and it is just half a kilometer before the Galleria. The images are being transferred to your screen as we speak” Nedu replied. Ambrose turned and faced the huge monitor, hung on the wall. The satellite image of a map on the computer zoomed in on a street. It automatically got out the image of the car and its surrounding. “Nedu, deploy the micro sensors and give me an automatic scan of the whole car. Fingerprints, hair samples, saliva, fart, anything! I need to know who and who were in that car. Get me the footages from the nearby CAMs. Streamline them and pick out any relevant information that may be of use to us. I want that report immediately. I’m just got a cup of warm coffee from the mug. I’d better get that report before this coffee gets cold.” Ambrose threatened. “Roger that sir.” Nedu said and went off the line. Ambrose opened the drawer to his desk and took out a long white ear piece. It had a single cable that connected his ears and his lips. He pressed a button on it and waited as it rang in his ears. “Ambrose. Any updates?” Ope said as Ambrose listened in through his earpiece. Ambrose was pacing the room now, one hand on his hip while the other swiped an ipad. “The Colonel is near you. We spotted his transport not too far from you. Bee Hive is currently looking for additional info. Be on the alert.” Ambrose warned. “Copy that Ambrose. I will keep a watchful eye on proceedings although I think Agent S has an idea already. She has frozen the communication between Sean and The Colonel by activating the Ultra Sound Disrupter. Sean was wired and he fell out. I don’t know what she has planned and I haven’t been able to talk to her. I guess she wants no interference whatsoever.” Ope replied. “So we wait?” Ambrose asked “No. Nobody waits. Just keep a tab on BeeHive. Be our eyes out here. We have five Cams around this 1kilometere radius. You can hack into them and control the survelliance system. Have Bee Hive maintain a constant trace, looking for matches between the exhibits they have and the available frames the surveillance would produce. If the Colonel makes a move you should be able to see it before I do. Then we can counter.” Ope advised. “Alright then soldier. Over and Out.” Ambrose replied and the line went dead. As Ambrose sat back in his swivel chair, the door to his office opened. “Hello Ambrose. Thank you for holding forte. I will take it from here.” It was the General. *********************************************************************************** Sophia hid herself well among the large number of people ascending the steps in the viewing room of the cinema. She watched Sean and Eva from the corner of her eyes as they settled in their seats. Sophia walked past their row and turned right two rows after Sean’s. She sat in a chair directly behind them, settling in comfortably. She had no idea what she was going to do or how she was going to proceed. She had no clear cut strategy or premeditated plan. And that was how she wanted it. She knew the importance of planning. Even Ope had suggested that they come up with various attack and defense options just in case things got out of control. Sophia had carefully listened as he presented his strategies for extraction and infiltration. The objective of the operation was to bug the targets, trace them to their nest and then attack. Sophia had seen a lot in her career with GhostCorp especially since they began to deal with The Colonel. He was always one step ahead no matter how failsafe their plan was. With every check and balance, with every possibility factored in and with every loophole envisaged, they always came second best. The Colonel was always in the know and was usually more intelligent. Initially, Sophia ha felt that there was someone leaking information to The Colonel. However after a series of serious investigations, she arrived at the answer; The Colonel knew everything about GhostCorp and always predicted every possible step they would take. The chip she collected from Ambrose contained every information about GhostCorp prior to BeeHive’s reprogramming. She had no doubt in her mind that The Colonel was aware of their little plan to rendezvous with Sean and Eva. So she made her decision. She was going to go in with only one plan; to follow her instincts. Settling in her seat she removed her necklace, putting it carefully in the small purse that she carried with her. The movie started and the room went graveyard silent. Sophia’s eyes did not leave the back of Sean’s head. She pondered different ways to place the bug in him. Sean felt very uneasy. He was constantly aware of eyes behind him. He desperately wanted to turn and catch a glimpse of his stalker but he thought better of it. He drew Eva close to him, wrapping his big right arm around her shoulders. They cuddled in that position affectionately like long lost lovers. To the normal eyes, it may seem like a lovers’ cuddle. But they did not just cuddle. Sean was telling her how he suspected someone was already onto them. He felt eye peering at the back of his head. He could not just shake away the feeling. He told Eva he was going to use the rest room. If anyone followed after him, then she should follow. Eva pecked him lightly on the cheek and sank herself deeper in Sean’s embrace. Five minutes later, Sean got up and went out of the viewing room. Immediately Sean got up, Sophia thanked her stars. Finally she would get the chance to be alone with Sean. She immediately got up and followed Sean out of the room. As she stepped out she asked the guard standing outside the door where Sean took. The guard signaled towards the ground floor. As Sophia began to move towards the same direction Sean had gone, she slowly but audibly whispered to the guard; “Stop her.” The guard did not need any further explanations. His orders were clear. He immediately stood erect and at attention, waiting for Eva to come out of the door at any moment. He checked his baton and straightened his starched black police uniform. Not too long after, Eva got up from her chair and walked through the door. “No one is allowed to leave the cinemas lady” The guard said stopping Eva as she tried to leave the viewing room. Eva ignored him and continued away from the door as the guard was talking. She walked fast, forcing the guard to come after her. He grabbed her by the elbow. “I said no one is allowed to leave the viewing room.” The guard repeated, yanking her towards him with a strong, turgid pull on her elbow. That was a huge mistake. As he tried to force her hand behind her back, she punched his biceps with her free hand. She turned and twisted, freeing herself from his grip. He made to grab her neck with both hands but she saw it coming. She clasped her hands together and put them in between his. She opened both hands forcefully, making his arms fly sideways. She punched him fiercely, a left punch on on the chest and a right one in the belly. The guard was dazed but still strong. He made to get up from his sprawling position but she jumped in the air and launched a black flip kick to his face. The guard fell on his face. He was not moving anymore. Eva walked-ran into the male toilet. She half expected to see Sean and Sophia making out. But the toilet was empty. She was disoriented. There was a near tear in her eyes as she thought of where else to look for Sean. She had no idea where else to look. She hurried to the staircase, jumping three steps at a time till she got to the second floor. She checked the male and female toilets in the second floor. Nothing. She was worried. She was desperate. As she walked down the stairs dejectedly to the ground floor, hot tears fell from her cheeks. She had looked everywhere in the cinemas and could not find a trace of Sean. Eva knew how ruthless and dangerous GhostCorp was. She had once been an instrument in their employ. Once you were marked, you could not escape. She could not even begin to imagine the kind of torture that Sean would be going through at the moment. Her heart was beating three times faster than normal. She checked where they had parked. The car was still there. She touched the bonnet to feel whether the car had been driven before she got out. There was no single sign of warmth. After fifteen minutes of fruitless search, she walked back into the viewing room to get her handbag. She expected to see the guard waiting to pounce on her but he was not. Eva could not be bothered. She was already emotionally drained and was already on edge. She walked slowly to her seat, picked up her bag and began to walk out of the viewing room. Then suddenly she remembered something. She opened the small area where she kept the device that Sean had given her and took it out. She walked briskly to the stairs, got to the car park and entered her car. She was panting as she got in the car. She closed the doors and engaged the central lock. She adjusted the rear view mirror as she peered into it, making sure that she was alone and not watched. She put the tiny device inside her ear and it glowed green. “Hello DaVinci. This is Diana. Are you there? Come in pls. It’s a red alert.” Eva said, pressing her hand against her ears. She silently hoped and prayed that a reply would come in from the other end. She looked sideways, turning left and right as she waited for the Colonel to reply her signals. The car park was getting deserted. People were thinning by the second as they went in to see the movie of the night. It was dark and eerie. “Hello Da Vinci. Come in Davinci. This is a red alert over!” Eva said, raising her voice. She was desperate now and almost in tears. She stifled a sob and bit her lower lip. She sniffed and cleaned her nose on the back of her palm. The Colonel doesn’t usually take this long to reply incoming messages. As she rested her head on the chair dejectedly, two hands came out of nowhere and grabbed her. One holding her mouth and another covering her eyes. She tried to let out a scream but nothing came out. Her screams were muffled by the palm covering her mouth. “Shhhhh….Shhhh…. Be Calm Eva. It’s me.” A voice said. Eva recognized the voice and relaxed. At the same time the hands that were holding her relaxed and loosened its grip. “Dad?” Eva asked, looking back amazed. “Shhhhh….” The Colonel said, “Quiet, Diana.” He finished, taking out the device from her ears. “What are you doing here?” Eva asked the Colonel feeling relief and worry at the same time. “I sensed danger when I lost contact with Sean. So I had to come down to see things for myself.” The Colonel said. “They took him away. We need to get him back. They took him from under my nose. I was a failure. Now I have no idea where to look. Please help me. Let’s get him back dad. Please.” Eva cried. She had lost every bit of mental and emotional strength she had mastered over the years as a deadly spy. This was a very different person from the agent that killed targets in cold blood and did not care for her own life nor that of any one else. Yet here she was crying her eyes out and acting totally out of order. She was beginning to show that she was going to be a problem if she did not get back to her killer-agent self immediately. “Diana! Snap out of this! What has come over you? I demand some composure. Now! Or I am going to waste you myself!” The Colonel threatened brandishing a silver .23 semi automatic. Eva buried her face in her hands as she gradually got herself together. For the next two minutes, The Colonel watched her carefully as she transformed. With a final heave and sigh, she raised her head. The crying Eva had disappeared. There was a deadly glint in her eyes. It now seemed like she had now found a renewed zeal to kill. “Better Diana. Now, this is the plan. Sean was the bug. We deliberately left you out of the loop. We planned the whole charade and excluded you. We needed your reaction to be real and convincing because of the agents that would be watching you. We were counting on G.C to go after Sean once he went to the toilet which he did. He has been taken by Sophia but I know where he is. He has an undetectable wet bug inside him that works with his heartbeat.” The Colonel said. He brought out his iphone, opened an app and showed it to her. “The bug is directly connected to his heart. Once his heart stops beating this red dot stops blinking.” The Colonel explained to Eva showing her the red dot. “This is also a tracker. We can find out where they are.” The Colonel finished. Eva was not interested in any of the technological gibberish her dad was spewing. With clenched teeth, she spoke. “I am ready Da Vinci. Just tell me who I have to kill.” •••sheyifunmi•••
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 18:56:14 +0000

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