AN OPEN LETTER TO AMERICA Dear America, There was a time, that - TopicsExpress


AN OPEN LETTER TO AMERICA Dear America, There was a time, that as a non-American I had American heroes. And these heroes stood for decency, honesty, and were righteous, moral, principled and respectable. Some of these were fictitious characters and some were real life, flesh and blood individuals that stood head and shoulders above the others. This pantheon of heroes is too great for me to list here, and some may have been unsung men and women who did great deeds that went unnoticed and unrecorded. It was great individuals such as these that forged my thinking about America as a great nation, that stood for the under-dog, that provided equal opportunities for all, that had the great strength of character to fight among themselves to free black men from the bonds of slavery, which cost a million American lives. It was a nation that was living out its manifest destiny, and which provided a level playing field for all to unleash their inherent potential and LIVE THE AMERICAN DREAM. When the Red Man had been subdued, and the West settled, and the inventions of the 19th and early 20th centuries had enabled it to became a land of plenty, and peace, it became a beacon of freedom and fairplay for people around the world. And people came flocking to America. But over the years, America, to my mind at least has gone into moral decline and decay, as evidenced by her actions globally. Her actions are indicative that rot has set in and subsequent collapse will only be a matter of time. An indicator of this is the SEARCH FOR BOGEY MEN. Why must American leaders look for bogey men to make its economy run? Why must it instill fear in its citizens? Why can’t America be at peace with its self and the world? Why must the world look at Americans as the “UGLY AMERICAN”? If a global poll were to be conducted to judge America’s popularity it must be at an all-time low I am sure. Americans cannot travel freely? Why? For the past 15 years there has been a siege mentality in the minds of American leaders, Why? Who is the enemy and why? I am sure there must be brilliant think tanks in America that I don’t know of that must be thinking, and conceiving what if scenarios, hypothetical and real creating situations around the world, through fear in the American mind creating a reaction and making a lot of money for a few vested interests in the whole process. IS THIS WHAT THE WORLD HAS COME TO. If yes I want to emigrate to another planet, where there are NO AMERICAN LEADERS. America has been involved in foreign wars since the sinking of the “Maine” at least. WW1 was fought to “save” Western civilization, but who were the other combatants? The Germans, who were called “Huns” by the British, and the “unspeakable” Turks who sided with them. Was it America’s war? WW2 was fought to save the world from Hitler and Nazism. But who were the Americans’ greatest ally? France? She was lying prostrate within a month of the German onslaught. Britain? That ditch called the “English Channel” was her saving grace. The Russians? YES. If it wasn’t for these rustic “Ivans”, Germany would surely have won WW2. It was a European conflict that WAS CREATED TO MAKE MONEY, which could have been avoided. And in the American mind one monster (Hitler) was replaced by another (Communism). But what happened then? Well the “Arsenal of democracy” and its leaders found out that war is big business, and to fuel this military industrial complex fear had to be created. First it was “the Germans are coming”, then it was “the Russians are coming”, and now it is “the Muslims are coming”. Coming where? There are no Muslims anywhere. They are their own worst enemies. So fear had to be created and voila, we have the TALIBAN and with their paganistic beheadings. But they were not big enough to scare the West, they were mere 2 feet tall pygmies. So, a bigger and more gruesome entity had to be created and NOW we have ISIS. But are they really MUSLIMS? I think not, and I cannot be fooled. Maybe American leaders can fool the American public through CNN, FOX news, Jackal News and LYING NEWS etc., as they have no inkling about the outside world and their leaders have instilled the fear of God in them through gruesome videos of beheadings, stoning, flogging and just plain bad men on the rampage. Rot has set in and the result is terrorism and fear all in the fair name of Islam. But let me tell you that pollution and terrorism know no boundaries and have no religion. Technology may be good, but it may not win wars, and it can never reverse the damage done to mother earth. CHEERS.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 05:03:36 +0000

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