AN OPEN LETTER TO TELEVANGELIST PREACHERS. Greetings. I hope this letter finds you in good health. St Paul in his 1st letter to Timothy 5: he says, woe to those presybyters or preachers who live lavishly on poor widows contribution. Perhaps l need to draw your attention to a biblical text abt your purported powers and miracles. Mt 15:21 ff, As Jesus was passing, a Canaanite woman called out, Have pity on me Lord son of David. My daughter is tormented by a demon. But Jesus did not say a word in answer. His disciples said to him, send her away for she keeps calling at us. The woman came and paid homage saying, Lord, have pity on me, help me. Jesus said, Its not right to take the food of the children and throw it to the dogs. She said, please Lord, even the dogs eat scraps that fall from their masters table. Jesus said to her, oh woman of great faith, let it be done to you as you wish. And her daughter was healed from that hour. The emphasis is that our faith heals us and not your purported advertised powers. Panda mbegu is not a prerequisite for a miracle but faith alone. Our faith also can heal somebody else. As Jesus did not answered the woman we shud not expect instant miracles or instant answers to our prayers but insist in prayer like the canaanite woman. We shud also expect God to interrogate us as the canaanite woman was. In Mark 6:6, ......Jesus did not perform many miracles in Nzazareh because of their lack of faith. Note, the basic requirement of a miracle is not mbegu or alms giving but Faith. I rebuke you to depart from flashing mpesa numbers to your would be preys, the vulnerable, the sick and the barren. 1st Tim 5 3, those who live lavishly on a poor widows contribution will be punished severely. In psalms, the poor man cried and the Lord heard. The cry is the prayer, the lords answer is the miracle. They ve not said that the poor man planted a seed and the lord helped him. I cud go on and on coz l know something abt scripture but l request you to stop misleading pple with panda mbegu. Let alms be given freely and without coersion. Remember the woman who gave 5 cents? Some of you mislead pple that Gods blessings are directly proportional to what we give. Woe to you. You are wolves in sheeps skin.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 01:41:35 +0000

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