ANC STATEMENT ON LOCAL GOVERNMENT AUDIT REPORT The African National Congress welcomes the progress in the financial management of several municipalities as contained in the Auditor Generals Report on Local Government Audit Outcomes released earlier today. According to the report fifteen (15) more municipalities and an additional two (2) municipal entities got clean audits. There is also an overall total of sixty-three (63) improvements across various categories of audit opinions recorded. We further welcome the assertion made by the Minister of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Leadership, Comrade Pravin Gordhan, that 60% of municipalities are on the right path, however recognising that more work still needs to be done. It is for this reason that the 2014 Elections Manifesto of the ANC committed to greater focus on developmental, accountable and responsive local government to better serve our people. The first NEC Lekgotla following the General Elections took this commitment even further by resolving on the need for tangible action which will include the focused appointment of technically competent and qualified people in local government. We have further resolved to deploy senior and experienced leaders of the ANC to lead municipalities, the coal face of delivery. We are encouraged and support the efforts of the Minister to ensure that every municipality has a sound financial management which eliminates wasteful expenditure and allocates resources where they are most needed - in the service of our people.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 16:18:49 +0000

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