AND HE SENT MESSENGERS AHEAD OF HIM. (Lk 9:51-46) When the days - TopicsExpress


AND HE SENT MESSENGERS AHEAD OF HIM. (Lk 9:51-46) When the days for His being taken up were fulfilled, He resolutely determined to journey to Jerusalem, and He sent messengers ahead of Him. On the way they entered a Samaritan village to prepare for His reception there, but they would not welcome Him because the destination of His journey was Jerusalem. When the disciples James and John saw this they asked, Lord, do you want us to call down fire from heave to consume them? Jesus turned and rebuked them, and they journeyed to another village. Like Jesus, we can humbly accept people who would reject us, if we are firmly resolved to die for Gods glory. Are you still relaxed when you are rejected or angry? Not just once but many times in our lives we experience rejection, and the most hurting of all are the rejections of our own family members. Many families are broken and bound to be because of jealousy, pride, hatred, envy and greed. And what makes it more difficult to understand and accept is that they are members of our families who should be the first ones to accept and understand but then they are the ones who are trying to destroy each others reputation and break ties because of selfishness and selfish motives. In the Gospel today Jesus wants us to accept rejection, embrace the pain and move on. We need not force ourselves on anyone who do not welcome us, we have to go to the next who are open and willing to share their time with us. Well if they dont let them be but continue to pray for them and never give up on them most especially if they are the members of our family. We dont need to force anything on them yet we should let them know the Truth, whether or not they will understand and accept it. And we should never give up because the more we are rejected, the more God will bless us and strengthen us so that we may have the courage to move on and never get affected of rejection but instead endure and persevere to the end. Instead of thinking of revenge or to get even, pray and trust that God is on our side. Miracles continue to happen because of prayer. Let us lift up to God all our worries and pains and God will heal and bless us. Just move on for this life is but a journey and there is no more time to go back but to go on. For we can no longer undo the past but we can do it right because we still have today to do it.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 05:19:40 +0000

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