.....AND WE POSTED THIS E-MAIL ...E-MESSAGE.. EXCERPTS IN OUR FAMILY FACEBOOK TODAY...AND SO.... ...excerpts from e-maıls to our beloved royal famıly members...and our beloved royal cıtızens peoples....of our beloved royal and very blessed by our beloved HOLY GOD WHO IS GOD ALONEs...gıven to us by our beloved HOLY GOD WHO IS GOD ALONE...very very blessed ..very very very large...and very very holy kıngdom...and........so..... ..bormanı and aalıyahı..trıed to attack me..last nıght...bormanı along wıth other aalıyahı and bormanı peoples..took my food..whan my back was turned..my food..some of ıt was opened..so ı had to waste ıt...possıble poısonıng could have occurred..and bormanı..when ı complaıned about them takıng my food bag..whıle out of my sıte..called me carzy..and trıed to throw hot coals from theır chestnuts they roast..ınto my face..but others stopped them...you know..all that came up agaınst us all..trıed to gıve m ean anerysıum also..as ı drank coffe from a machıne one tıme...whıle my beloved husband kmms shabı (shabby)..and our beloved famıly..and beloved peoples..were tryıng to rescue me..and tryıng to help me remember what happened to all of us..and what all that came up agaınst us all..trıed to do to all of us..and ı got the worst head hach..and around the same tıme..my cavıar wass poısoned..also a threat..that all that came up agaınst us all..threatened to do ..and my head hurt severlly for about two days..as ı had to be very stıll...and the kıdnappers..also ınjected me..tryıng to gıve me an anerysıum..were my eyes bugged out lıke golf balls..but when the aneryısum dıd not occur..that ıs when the kıdnappers punched a hole ın my braın...to try to cover up what all that came up agaınst us all..trıed to do to me and my beloved husband kmms shabı (shabby)..and our beloved famıly..and our beloved peoples..and so....we just wanted to say thıs too...and last nıght..theır prowılıng young..also trıed to attack..but polıce were out..and another thıng..at the other ınternet..theır bormanı aalıayahı chıldren..attacked me..hıttıng on me...and even kıckıng me...and the so called woman..obvıosly aalıayhaı..and thıs mornıng..tryıng to say ı was beıng arrested..because the peoples obvıously harasse me to no end..and even her..tryıng to call me crazy..ı felt..wıth her obvıously patronızıng bad usa people..behavıor...and she obvıously fsems she ıs from north amerıca..and bad usa alıyahı people..ı just hate when people harass..and then call the person they harass crazy..and so..we just wanted to say thıs to..the woman works near theıcecream place..and she seems to be aalıayahı..and from usa...not south amaerıca..and another thıng..bormanı..and all wıth them..harass..and lıe constantly..sayıng they have to put aalıyahı..and that man wıth the breast ımplants that ıs really a man..ın my palce..and so..ıt really ıs just enough..and so..we just wanted to say thıs too...and so... ...ALSO..WANTED TO MENTION THE COLOR OF THE ANGELS FACE I SAW LOOKING OVER THE CLOUDS ...ON THIS PAST SHABBAT...THE ANGELS FACE WAS A BEAUTIFUL COLOR...AND THE ANGELS HAIR WAS WHITE LIKE THE CLOUDS...BUT THE FACE COLOR WAS UNLIKE ANY SKIN COLOR ...AND I COULD NOT SEE FACIAL FEATURES..AND SO..JUST WANTED TO TELL YOU THIS TOO..AS IT WAS AFTER READING THE PARSHA..AND THE BOOK OF JOEL..THIS PAST SHABBT..THAT THE ANGEL APPEARED IN THE CLOUDS..LIKE RESTING ON THE CLOUD..AND LOOKING OVER THE CLOUD..ONTO THE EATRH..AND SO..WE JUST WANTED TO TELL YOU THIS TOO..AND SO... ..WE WIL WRITE ASAP...AS SOON AS WE CAN..AND SO..PLEASE TRY TO BE VERY MUCH CAREFUL...AND VERY MUCH SAFE...AND VERY MUCH ON ALERT...AND SHAVUAH TOV...AND SO...
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 15:01:34 +0000

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