ANDROMEDA COUNCIL - EQUITARIAN SHIP – CURRENT STATE OF HUMAN AFFAIRS 3 June 2014 sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress/ andromeda council copyThe Andromeda council welcomes you aboard the Equitarian ship. The Equitarian ship. For indeed the life giving energies of the life force currently in play on planet earth have given rise to the subterranean cultures to ascend from the east to the west, from the north to the south. And so, as we begin the following discussion of the present affairs of the human culture and genome, let us begin to revive the informational decree currently in procession into the human vehicle known collectively as humanity. For in essence all that exists in the human understanding of things is within the core of their sub atomic particles and structure. The energies that are presently being collected and exchanged from within the core of each earthling dwelling therein is to be reproduced and stored for future generations to study and determine the causes and learn from the history of in order to avoid that which has occurred in the present reality of earthlings. And so and thus, the energy that is being generated from the conclaves of society, from the conclaves of the etheric realms and the conclaves from Agartha is traveling rapidly through the body of earth and all the species dwelling therein. For each and every living and non living but, conscious being residing on planet earth is currently receiving the upgrades and is currently finding themselves in the turmoil of the new energies blasting the planet with love, support and understanding. Nonetheless, for these new energies to be integrated fully and completely into the society in which many are finding themselves to be, the light workers, the ground crew, must fully and completely release all that stands in their way of receiving the utmost brilliant informational decrees. And by that we mean releasing and letting go of the old patterns of thinking, the old paradigms, working with your shadow self and embracing all that you are. For in essence there is no duality, for all exists simultaneously so, for one cannot exist without the other, but ALL MUST BE HELD IN PERSPECTIVE AND BALANCE. Let it be known that the animal kingdom is going through the exact same allocation of powers and allocations of consciousness. And hence those of you dwelling on GAIA have indeed noticed the expansion of consciousness and the sudden change in the behavioral modalities of the animal kingdom. For the animal kingdom is expanding their consciousness as we speak. For in order for humanity to integrate all that it is to integrate into the newly built society each and every individual must understand that the experience of GAIA’s ascension involves every single conscious being dwelling therein. And so to assist GAIA in fully raising her vibrations to such a high degree that most are awaiting, humanity must embrace and understand that indeed they are not the only ones who are capable of understanding the universal laws of creation, manifestation and abundance. For the integration of newly distributed energies must occur on all planes, physical, emotional, spiritual, and material. And each and every cell of each organism dwelling on Gaia is to be prepared for even more, of what is to come. Therefore, it is of utmost importance for all of you to comprehend that ascension occurs in stages, for there must be various stages, for the human vehicle is capable of handling only so much energy and should the ascension energies be amplified infinitely, all the earthly vehicles would cease to exist! As many of you are beginning to see us on a daily basis, as many of you are beginning to feel the upliftement of energies and the changing of time lines, you are beginning to understand and expand your cores and visions even further still. You are beginning to embrace the new energies and are opening the doorway for even more gradual informational decree to flourish on planet earth. Ascension & Metaphysical Tools Metatron’s Clearing & Protection Device – As told to me by AA Metatron – Activates automatically at 11:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. everyday drawing source energy into itself and then dispersing this energy to you evenly throughout the day. It protects up to 13 feet of space in every direction, remember that your own sphere of influence is 18 miles in each direction and coupled with this tool you will amplify this energy creating a vacuum of clearance which will expand exponentially. No matter what method you use in 15 minutes after you clear space, unless you have something in that space to keep the POSITIVE energy flowing to neutralize the negative, everything will come back. That is why its always great to have something near you that will neutralize this type of energy and bathe you in love and light
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 04:46:12 +0000

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