“ANGELS” Humankind has always believed in the existence of - TopicsExpress


“ANGELS” Humankind has always believed in the existence of higher beings or angels. Although mythological in concept, the idea of someone to watch over us is a widely accepted belief. According to religious texts, an angel is a spiritually evolved eternal entity who exists in a heavenly plane and guards us against impending danger or disaster. Most of us were first introduced to the idea of angels as small children, when we were told that we have our very own guardian angel. The idea of a guardian angel is one of the few truisms that organized religion has not destroyed. For indeed, we do have guardian angels who intervene for us and assist in our earthly missions. I saw two angels during my near-death experience in 2000 who came to me to calm and sooth me with incredible heavenly music. These angels did indeed bring peace, calm, and love to me. Charlene sees, senses and can communicate with her angels. Both of us have interacted with angels so we know they exist. In fact, angels have been around for millennia, well before humans were around. Naysayers will argue that angels are just another metaphysical fantasy to relieve our minds and give us a false sense of security. If that were true, then why have they shown up in every religion and every form of art and literature, as well as being alive and well in the media? How could all the people, separated by geography, time, and culture, come up with the same knowledge or truth of these amazing beings sent by God? We think the sudden resurgence of angels is also in direct rebuttal to the hellfire and demons weve had to put up with from so many religions. The angels, as we see it, have come into prominence out of our need to believe in an all-loving God, perfect in every way, who looks after Its creations. Today, the day-to-day missions of the angels may be as large as helping two warring political leaders see eye to eye, or as small as healing a rocky relationship between a daughter and a father. The angels actually dont have free will, so all their goals and actions are mandated by God. As we know, there are many artistic depictions of angels with wings. Charlene sees them with wings, and sometimes without them. She has seen tiny angels, and shes seen them gigantic in size―perhaps ten feet high. The angels assist her in healing sessions as well. Angels can take the appearance of a human being or anything else they want to look like. The angels are not human and have never been human. They are androgynous, egoless creatures. (Essentially, they are the very opposite of human!) Their main goal is to help, protect, and heal, and to raise the consciousness level of humanity. There are bigger, broader goals for humanity at large, but these are how angels influence us the most. Aside from their love for humanity, the most wonderful thing about the angels is that they do not belong to a particular religious sect. Despite their prominence in biblical interpretations, the angels are not strictly Christian, nor are they of a particular gender or race. They are nondenominational, spiritual beings, and in that sense, people of all religions and spiritual paths can find a way to connect and communicate with their own personal angels. In short, the angels are Universal, and they are with us every moment of our lives.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 21:08:55 +0000

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