ANIME SOCIETY: PARTICIPANT MUST LEARN TO PROTECT THEMSELF COSTPLAY IS A HEALTHY ACTIVITY No matter you are taking part in a cosplay event or others activity, underage teenagers and young women must pay great attention on their on safety and be vigilant, they should tell their parents where they are going and who they are meeting with, and avoid any one on one meeting. (Kuantan 23 oct) Anime Support Kuantan (A.S.K) shows that, costplay is a healthy hobby and activity, they do not wish that a recent case about A 15 years old girl Wu YI Tian (translated by sound, same as below) was murdered, cause negative image on this activity to the masses. We feel sad for what happened on Wu Yi Tian After all, A.S.K feel sad on what happened on anime fan and costplayer Yi Tian, and they emphasize that no matter you are taking part in cosplay event or others activity, underage teenagers and young women must pay great attention on their on safety and be vigilant, they should tell their parents where they are going and who they are meeting with, and avoid any one on one meeting. One of the in charge of A.S.K, Xie Cheng Quan(27) replied when being asked, that costplay is a art that an anime fans mimic the appearance of the character they like in the real world, by using their make up technics and special costume. Most of the local cosplayer at present is mainly compose by secondary school student, but the participant can extend to 30 plus aged person, and it is legal and accepted by many countries. Costplay comes with healthy significance Cheng Guo Qiang(29) points out that costplay is not a meaningless activity, because costplayer have to make the relatated costume, armor, weapon, accesories, and make up, and it is highly depents on their own skill in tailing, crafting and ideas. They come out with new inspiration and learn more about the structure of different design, so they are able to materialize what that is in imaginary. Other than costplaying, the comunication and group event between costplayer can helps in expanding sociality and relationships, and through showing what they cosplay in open, they build more confidence in facing the public sociaty. Another in charge of A.S.K Cheng Zhi Hang(25) say that, in Kuantan, costplay activity starts from 1 year before, and still in beginning period, and any activity or event held by A.S.K follow the rule and condition they set strictly, to ensure the safety of all underage participants and ease the mind of their parents on the activity. Some of the rule of helding event include that, including the costplayer and any participant of any large scaling event or outdoor photography group, they cannot leave the team by alone, cannot meet with other person by self, must be accompany with friends, and also more. Everytime when someone wants to take part in any event or activity, must tell thier parents or family, so they can ease their mind. He also say that, A.S.K had been helded many event and activity in Kuantan for the last year, include the Kuantan Coswalk held in Kuantan East Coast Mall, and no unpleasantness happened. Cheng Guo Qiang also says that, they will learn from what happened on Wu Yi Tian, and will keep upgrading their safety measures in future event they will held, and costplyer also need to give high awareness on their own safety when participate in any event or activity held by any organization, society, or person.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 18:21:44 +0000

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