ANIOMA VOICE AND THE MADNESS OF ITS BOT AND ADMIN When I wrote few weeks back that a particular online group called Anioma Voice is in the habit of blackmail and writing stories from imaginations, most people never understood why. These are the same set of thieves collecting money from David Edevbie to support his guber ambition in Delta State. They say my reports are lies yet they daily wait on my wall to COPY any of such done on Delta State. Its a known fact that no one has attacked Senator Ifeanyi Okowa in the online media more than me, yet I remain one of his greatest promoters alongside Olejeme as my choice from Delta North, except i see better reasons to switch over soon. I remembered doing a report on how Okowa former political supporters has deserted him and it came to pass as I wrote, only for these nonetities to life my report and change the headline which never reflected in my report. Below is what they lifted and edited LAW OF KARMA FACES OKOWA: ***His supporters desert him after collecting huge money. ***Divided loyalty from his online team Except a miracle happens or the law of karma fails to play out , there is nothing to stop the Delta State Governor, Emmanuel Uduaghans desire to have one of his most trusted allies, Dr Anthony Obuh to succeed him has already been concluded. According to our government house source, the governor despite denying all the media reports of endorsing Obuh has instructed Delta young billionaire, Ayiri Emami to bankroll the election of the anointed candidate, while all his trusted commissioners have been mandated to go to their various wards for mass sensitization on the new task. One of the top contenders who will be biting his fingers is Delta North Senator, Ifeanyi Okowa, as almost all those who were supportive of him in the Delta State government have withdrawn such support and handed it over to Obuh. One of such key supporter is the governor Senior Special Adviser on political matters, Mr Ighoyota Amori who has led Okowa on making him to believe that his group the Urhobo Political Forum (UPF) will mobilize the Urhobos to support him. A bitter member of the UPF who confided in our reporter revealed that the group has collected millions from Okowa during consultation and private visits and wondered why they cannot be bold enough to challenge the governor’s illegality. Amori has vowed to support whoever Uduaghan support, which is his characteristics to betray his people and those he claim to be supporting. “If Governor Uduaghan anoints Obuh, we will surely join him to anoint him because we are part and parcel of his government. If the leadership of the government anoints Obuh, of course, we his subordinates will join him to anoint him”, he said. Another supporter of the Senator, Mr Monday Igbuya, who is the State House of Assembly Majority Leader, has also thrown his weight behind Obuh. We gathered that he has struck a deal to emerge as the next Speaker of the House, once Obuh is voted in. A top PDP chieftain and woman leader, Faith Majemite who used to be a strong ally of Okowa we gathered has also pitched her tent with the Obuh train. More are expected to leave the Senator’s team in few weeks time, stated our reliable source. A prominent political PDP member in the State we gathered has also concluded plans to use his position to deny the Senator the party ticket. MY TAKE: I never mentioned law of karma as my rider or in the beginning of the report and secondly I never mentioned his online media team being torn apart. As it stands, the team is still standing like the rock of Gibraltar and not AV or anyone can split. I can take a bet on N500,000 that AV will soon trumpet for Okowa.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 16:54:23 +0000

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