ANSWER CHARGES THAT KAABA AS FORMER HINDU TEMPLE The disbelievers tried to equate Hinduism with Islam 1. Adopting Hindu deity moon God Allah as the deity of Islam Answer: Defamation stale !!! ANSWERED ALLEGATIONS OF ALLAH IS MOON GOD Answering book The Islamic Invasion (Robert Morey) Christian tradition we have mentioned above seems to want diimbaskan to restore the teachings of Islam with Islamic teachings and Arab paganism eliminate the historical fact that the Arab paganism is understood that fought out by the Prophet Muhammad and his followers. Therefore the Dr. Morey discrediting Islam by suggesting blasphemy following points: 1. Whereas Muslims worship the moon god. 2. About God in Islam and the God of the Bible. At first blasphemy, Dr. Robert Morey wants to fool the public that Muslims are the pagans, so the justification for any country to get what they did to Muslim countries that he declared pagan. Being the second point he wants to separate between Christian beliefs with Islam. If the question is the Christian Trinity the same is not true, because the Muslims have only one God, while Trinity Christian associating God. But if the question is Unitarian Christians (Nazarenes / Nashoro) of course another problem, because they are sensible monotheism. A Class of Civilization efforts to prove that the edges are power and economy (Oil). Dr. Robert Morey stated that Allah is the name of the moon god worshiped in Arabia before Islam. This is reinforced by the statement that he: o The name of God is known to the Arabs before the advent of Muhammad. o The existence of such names Qomaruddin, Shamsuddin. o Confidence Ignorance (Pre Islamic) religion Astral. o The idol in the Kaaba. o crescent symbol. Which is rather embarrassing that in proving the accusations Mr. Doctors many statements of manipulating writers who became the reference. For example: - To reinforce his opinion that the moon god was called by various names, one of which is God he refers on page 7 of the book entitled Islam Guillame. But actually Guillaume said on the same page: In Arabic, Allah was known from Christian and Jewish sources as the one God, and no doubt even though he has been known by the Pagan Arabs in Mecca as the Top. (1) - Dr. Morey also quoted from the author Caesar Farah non-Muslims in ha1aman 28., But at the time referred to in the book found that Dr. Morey cites only partially and leaving the subject of the book. The book actually states that God called il by the Babylonians and Israelites EL been called gods, al-ilah, and God in Arabic. Farah said further on page 31 that before Islam, the pagans have to believe that God is the supreme deity. Since they already have the 360 idols, but God is not one of the 360 idols. As Caesar Farah stated on page 56, that the Prophet Muhammad, has destroyed the idols. Name of Allah before Islam The existence of the word of God before the time of Islam, such as Robert Morey said that the Prophets father Abdullah (servant of God), should never be the reason that Allah is a moon god. As weve discussed before is that El, Eloy, Allah, Yahweh, Ya Hua, Elohem, cor; are the words used by each nation-at the time-to refer to God. And the word of God is the word used by Arabs to refer to God, especially by the Ahnaf (the Arabs who follow the tradition of Abraham). And the name was not among the names of idols and dewadewa Arabic. Permasalahannnya not just on the words alone, then we judge a society understand. But the way the attitude to God referred to by their language alone. The Israelites who use the word Yahweh to reflect on their understanding of the concept of God guided by the apostles and prophets to straighten out their understanding and attitude towards God they call Yahweh. Likewise Arab society at the time of ignorance use the word Allah to refer to God guided by the Prophet Muhammad, to address and understand what they call God. How is this attitude that is taught by each apostle and prophet to his people, that is monotheism. If the size is only at the level of words to assess understand a people, the Jews and Christians are also pagans, because the name EL used God of Israel is a nation which, according to their pagan Kanan. Qomaruddin and Shamsuddin Readers of Muslims will probably laugh when it is said that the names of people, such as Qomar and luga Najam Udin used as evidence of the worship of the moon god. According to Drs. Robert Morey: Moon Worshippers religion called Qomaruddin. Qomarun = Moon; Dinun = Religion. (2) So is the name of Shamsuddin and Najmuddin, both translated the same way. Qomarun means moon and dinun means the religious meaning a person with religious work in the community such as the moon shining bright, bring the good name of his religion. Once Shamsuddin, expected by his parents to be more shining like the sun that always benefits the people. Muslim names attributed to the deen (religion) have similar meanings, such as Saifuddin (religious sword), is the hope that her parents were able to defend their religion like a sword that is ready for use anytime. Being moon-worshipers translated into Arabic abid al-Qomar. Likewise with the other two names. Arab Society in pre Islam is often called slaves with names that can be pleasing to them such as the name Qomar and shams, are expected in order to enlighten them as his slave name. As for themselves, they wear namanama creepy, to scare their enemies, such as Kilab (the dogs), Asad (lion), Namir and Fahd (tiger). At the time of the Prophet Muhammad, the names of many of the ignorant attributed directly to God, such as Saifullah (sword of Allah), Asadullah (the Lion of Allah) and others. Messenger of the Arab community straightening habit of ignorance even on the issue of the name. In the subsequent period when slavery was eliminated, and the former slaves who formed their own community, appearing in government. They are known as the Mawali (the people who ask for protection). To get recognition from people who previously were their masters, they attribute names, they are the word din (religion). This is in line with the times that are no longer attribute names to their masters, because the days of slavery are over, and all of them are equal in matters of religion. So we see that the names of such Qomaruddin and Shamsuddin never be found during the ignorance, or at the time of the Prophet Muhammad, the names that came later when the former slaves took office. At the present time the above names are not used to please the master, nor for the legality of power. The names were used Muslims with different intentions, because they only see the meaning of the names, which the owner can be expected as the name suggests. Belief period of Ignorance (Pre-Islamic) / Religion Astral According to Drs. Morey: Allah, the moon god, the sun god marry. They both have three daughters called daughters of God. The third daughter of Al-Lata, AlUzza, and Manat . To strengthen the presumption, he manipulates Guilluame statement as we said before. That the pre-Islamic Arab society has confidence in the star sun and the moon also is true, only Dr. Morey stop here to state that the Muslims worship a moon god, whereas this kind of trust that was attacked violently by the Prophet Muhammad without the slightest compromise. That is why it is said to be a period of Jahiliyyah period (days of ignorance). Translation: The following passages will illustrate how radically the Prophet Muhammad attacked confidence community: (QS An-Najm 19-25) - Sahih International : 53:19 So have you considered al-Lat and al-Uzza? 53:20 And Manat, the third - the other one? 53:21 Is the male for you and for Him the female? 53:22 That, then, is an unjust division. 53:23 They are not but [mere] names you have named them - you and your forefathers - for which Allah has sent down no authority. They follow not except assumption and what [their] souls desire, and there has already come to them from their Lord guidance. 53:24 Or is there for man whatever he wishes? 53:25 Rather, to Allah belongs the Hereafter and the first [life]. Idols in the Kaaba Here is one of the unfounded statements made by Robert Morey: There is one God idols were placed in the temple along with all the other pagan gods. Idolaters of Mecca pray facing the Temple clan because that is where their gods buried . We do not know from where the pack Doctoral get the source, but that obviously never saw the Kaaba in person let alone get in it. In the period of Ignorance, so the tradition calls for distinguishing between truth and ignorance past, many idols were placed in the Kaaba but none of the idol called Allah. And the idols are very much has been destroyed by the Prophet Muhammad, upon entering Makkah, after Muslims evicted from Mecca. Prophet Muhammad himself at the time before he became a prophet, never swear in front of his wife Khadijah that he would not worship uzza forever, it clearly distinguishes between God and other ilahilah, because at that time religion Hanif (straight path) teachings of Abraham remained in Makkah, although not as much as the pagan followers. Now let in the Kaaba, at the house of a Muslim will not be an idol. Very different from the Home and Office Robert Morey who might put up a statue of a cross in the corner of the room or his room. Gods and Symbols Crescent Moon Crescent symbol that is often used as a symbol Muslims worship the moon god by Dr. Robert Morey. He stated: The symbol of the worship of the moon god in Arabian culture and in other places throughout the middle east is a crescent moon. The usual image of a star at the center of the crescent is not called, because wearing the symbol of America. Dr. Robert Morey and accuses Western orientalists to ask why Muslims wear crescent symbol for their religion? Or why the moon is used to mark the new moon? They deliberately asked the faulty logic of something hidden, since when Muslims wear crescent moon as a symbol, it is said that Muslims worship the moon god. It is not true, as the assumption that since the Jews took the Star of David as a symbol, then the Jews worship the star, meaning Christians also worship the image of the cross when they wear these symbols, or worshiping the sun while using a cross from the sun !!!. Islam never taught to worship the moon. Allah says : And of His signs are the night and day and the sun and moon. Do not prostrate to the sun or to the moon, but prostate to Allah , who created them, if it should be Him that you worship. (QS Fushshilat : 37). This verse is reinforced with another verse, that the moon is not the object of worship. Do you not see that Allah causes the night to enter the day and causes the day to enter the night and has subjected the sun and the moon, each running [its course] for a specified term, and that Allah , with whatever you do, is Acquainted? (QS Luqman : 29). If God is the moon god as alleged by Dr. Morey, what might be the moon god created the moon to be used by humans??? With the above evidence we can conclude that Muslims worship Allah alone , and instead worship the moon god. Belief in the power of celestial objects ever berkembangan in Egypt, Babylonia, and Assyria, may affect the Arabian Peninsula, because it is not geographically located far apart; Its just that at the time of the Prophet Muhammad that trust straightened by placing these objects in place and functioning. Like the moon, for instance, as he had been asked by the Arabs to the Prophet Muhammad, placed merely to indicate replacement time. As the Word of God in the Quran Surah Al-Baqarah verse 189: They ask you about the crescent moon. Say: The crescent moon is a sign of the time for people and (for worship) Haj. Ibn Abi Hatim of history that comes from Ibn Abbas, that the Prophet Muhammads companions asked: For what created the crescent moon? Then down the verse that the Prophet Muhammad ordered to answer that month is to show the time to the people, when they have to wear ihram at the time of Hajj and when to take it off, or when to start and when to end fast . From here, we can know that there is no interest to the worship of the moon, but only as an Indicator turnover time, like Hajj and Fasting. At the time of Caliph Umar, Muslims make a calendar based on a matter of months, which started since the Hijrah. What is interesting to note that the Jews also use the Hijri calendar to mark their holy day. Calendar of religious Jews, originally from Babylonia, consisting of 12 months Qomariah / Hijri, commencing 354 days. And counting the day of the sinking sun begins to sink again. (3) So to say that Muslims worship the moon because of wear calendar by month, it is the religion of the Jews, who also wore the calendar by month, also worship the moon ??? Based on the logic Dr. Robert Morey then the Jews also worshipers of the moon . Similarly, if Christians put on the calendar based on the rotation of the sun, whether they also worship sun ?! Let us refer to the following information. The first calendar is a calendar that is based on moon. Ancient cultures, such as Syrian, Babylon, Egypt, and China has put on the lunar calendar, as Semitic culture also took the lunar calendar to mark their time. Once we know the fact that Jews and Muslims, in the tradition of Semitic culture, both using Qomariah calendar month to mark them. So why do Christians wear solar calendar based on the lunar calendar replaces. It is closely related to the engineering of Christmas celebration December 25 and the influence of pagan ideas that pivot on the worship of the god Re (the sun god) in Christianity. To complete this discussion, we will include a brief assessment of the celebration of Christmas December 25th by Christians. Origins of Christmas December 25th The command to hold commemoration Christmas is not in the Bible and Jesus never gave an example or ordered to hold memorial on his birth. Christmas celebrations are new to Catholic Christianity in the 4th century AD And this warning is also derived from traditional ceremonies pagan society. Whereby we know that the 1st century to the 4th century AD the world is still ruled by the pagan Roman empire polytheism. When Constantine and the Romans became followers of the Catholic religion, they are not able to leave the customs / his pagan culture, especially the folk festival to commemorate the day Sunday (sun = sun, day = day) is the sun gods birth on December 25. So in order to be accepted into the Catholic life of the Roman people held a syncretism (fusion of religion and culture / idolatry), by bringing together the celebration of the birth of the Sun of God (the Sun God) with the birth of Son of God (the Son of God = Jesus). So the council of Nicea in 325 AD, Constantine decided and set December 25 as the birthday of Jesus, was also decided: > First, on Sunday (Sunday = day of the sun) is used as a substitute for the Sabbath according to the count falls on a Saturday. > Second, the symbol of the sun god is the light Christian cross emblem. > Third, make the statues of Jesus to replace the statue of the Sun God. After Emperor Constantine embraced the Catholic religion in the 4th century AD, the people involved was abuzz embraced Catholicism. This is a brilliant achievement results process by Emperor Constantine Christian syncretism with pagan polytheism religious ancestors. Thus the origins of Christmas or Christmas preserved by Christians all over the world till now. Where the trust pagan doctrine of polytheism got the sun god which is celebrated on December 25 ??? Lets browse through the Bible and the history of pagan beliefs held by the ancient Babylonian suzerainty in Nimrod (Nimrod). Lap times stated that the pagan Babylonian version is changed to false Messiah, a god of Ba-al son of the sun god with the object of worship Mother and Child (Semiramis and Nimrod) who was born again. The teachings spread to other countries: In Egypt in the form of Isis and Osiris, in Asian named Cybele and Deoius, in Rome called Fortuna and Jupiter , even in Greece. Kwan Im in China, Japan, and Tibet. In India, Persia, Africa, Europe, and Mexico are also found to customary worship of the gods Madonna and others. The following gods mythologized born on December 25, was born by a virgin girl (without a father), death (the cross) and is believed to be the savior (the Redeemer): 1. The god Mithras (Partners) in Iran, which is also believed to be born in a cave and has 12 students. He is also referred to as the Savior, because he suffered death and was buried, but rose again. This belief spread to Europe. Konstantin including one admirer once these faiths. 2. Apollo, which is known to have mastered the 12 services and 12 stars / planets. 3. Hercules known as a war hero is unmatched. 4. Ba-al who worship the god of Israel is the native land Kanaan also known as the god of fertility. 5. Gods Ra, the gods of ancient Egypt; This belief spread to Rome and celebrated on a large scale and used as a party of the people. Likewise Serapis, Attis, Isis, Horus, Adonis, Bacchus, Krishna, Osiris, Syamas, Kybele and others. In addition there is another character / hero to a nation which they believed to be born of a virgin, among others Zorates (the Persians) and Fo Hi (the Chinese). Similarly heroes Hellenism: Agis, Celomenes, Eunus, Soluius, Aristonicus, Tibarius, Grocecus, Jupiter, Minersa, Easter. Thus, the concept that God was born of a virgin on December 25th, crucified / murdered and then resurrected, has existed since ancient times. (4) Concept / religious dogma that Jesus is the son of God and that God has three persons, with very easily accepted by the Roman society because they have had the concept before. They just change the names of the gods became Jesus. Paul then honestly admit that these dogmas are intentionally made just a lie. Paul said to the Romans: For if the truth of God hath more abounded through my lie unto his glory; why yet am I also judged as a sinner? (Romans 3:7). Regarding the possibility of disbelieving it, Jesus has indicated through his message: And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. (Matthew 24:4-5). NOTES: 1. Mohd Elfi Nieshaem Juferi, 2. Ibid 56. 3. Refer webear/reliengl.htm # * Top4, in Mohd Elfi Nieshaem Juferi, 4. Specification more details see my book, Hj. Irena Handono, December 25 Christmas-Between Dogma and Tolerance , Milky Rodheta 2003 -------------------------- 2. Making Hindu Moon God Siva’s temple Kaaba as the holiest place of Islam 3. Making the black stone as the most holy stone of Islam and making touching and kissing of it as a a blissful act of Sunnah. Answer: WHAT FUNCTION Kaaba??? It is We (often) see the turning of your face to the sky, then indeed We shall turn you to a Qibla that you like. Palingkanlah face towards the Holy Mosque. And wherever you are, palingkanlah face towards him. And indeed the people (Jews and Christians) who were given the Book (Torah and Gospel) knew that turning to the Haram it is truth from their Lord; and Allah is not unmindful of what they do [QS.Al-Baqarah: 144]. So, the Kaaba only determinant of the direction of prayer NO Kaaba WORSHIP, NO ORDERS TO DO THAT ! AND NO NAME GOD SHIVA IN QURAN. IF THERE NAME IN GOD SIVA Remembrance, THEN I AM READY TO FOLD !!! Moreover, if you still insist on claiming the Kaaba was a Hindu temple worship idols and we (the Black Stone) in it, in fact we never worship the Black Stone, it is only the direction of the Kaaba in prayer and worship, while the Black Stone just can not rock bring disrepute and benefits. I am as a Muslim dare talk like that because it is so in reality. If the Black Stone Lord, surely I fear contact with wrath. Kiss the Black Stone THEREFORE ONLY AS A ROCK TRIBUTE FROM HEAVEN, BUT WE WOULD NEVER CONSIDER AS GOD. STATUE WORSHIP AS IS HINDU GOD. FOLLOWING THE EVIDENCE WE DO NOT WORSHIP Hajar Aswad, : 1. If it is in a place that is not known to the direction of the wind, or are sitting in a vehicle that winding road, then Muslims must perform the prayers facing any direction. Because Allah says: And to Allah belongs the east and the west. So wherever you [might] turn, there is the Face of Allah . Indeed, Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing. (QS Al-Baqara 115). 2. At year 930 until 951 Black Stone ever lost, stolen and hidden by the Shia Ismaili group Qarmathi. Is the loss of stone was then excited and then Muslims do not pray anymore because the Black Stone is not there ??? Although Black Stone never lost, but for 21 years it was never off the Muslims pray. If Muslims worship the Black Stone was praying, then for 21 years was their holiday prayers. But its not. Muslims pray facing the Qiblah fixed, either with no rocks or not, because their essence is to obey and worship Allah instead of facing stone. 3. Upon successful Black Stone was rediscovered, the stone was no longer intact. There are fragments here and there, so that its volume has begun to diminish. And the black stone that is even now it was a blend of the original black stone with the imitation. Are Muslims scene because of it ??? Replied: Never !!! For God worshiped by Muslims was not a stone, but Allah. Stone may be damaged and lost, but Allah remains eternal and forever and ever. This is proof that Allah is not a stone, and the stone is not the same as Allah !!!. 4. The past at the time of Prophet Muhammad, the Companions rose and stood on the Kaaba when the public call to prayer (prayer call). They do it five times a day. Prophet Muhammad never reprimand or banned. If the Kaaba is the God worshiped by Muslims, which may be the Companions when it dared trample his Lord ?! 5. Till date, the workers also rose and stood on the Kaaba when replacing Kisywah (Kaaba cover). It is also clear evidence that to date and up anytime nobody Muslims worship the Kaaba. Suppose they consider the Kaaba as a god to be worshiped, where they may dare to go up, stand up and step on the Kaaba ??! 6. While tawaf riding a camel, the Prophet Muhammad did not ever kiss Hajar Aswad, but touched it with his stick. (Narrated by Bukhari juz 2 number 677). If the Prophet at the time of his life worshiping the Black Stone, which he might dare to touch his Lord with a stick while sitting on a camel ??? The Prophets example proves that he does not worship the Black Stone. Facing the Kabah when praying, does not mean that Muslims worship the Kabah. They do this simply run the rules of worship commanded by his Lord (Surah Al-Baqarah: 144). Thus, the essence of the Muslim Qibla when praying it was not for the black rock, but obey and submission to God. This submission also has been done by the Companions Umar when Hajj. In the hadeeth narrated that he came close to Hajar Aswad (black stone) and then he kissed it and said: Indeed I know that you do not give this stone ugliness nor bring benefit. If I do not see the Prophet Muhammad kissing you, then Im not going to kiss you anyway (Bukhari of Abis bin Rabia RA). SO ..... WANT HINDU TEMPLE OF ALLEGED USED Kaaba. WE DO NOT CARE, we worship Hajar Aswad NOT AVAILABLE THEREIN, AS THE HINDU WORSHIP STATUE gods. 5. Adopting the Hindu pilgrimages Haj and Umra as the highest worship in Islam. 6. Shaving the heads as Hindus do for pilgrimages Answer: If its Hajj, Umrah and shaved head was the same with Hindu religious rituals, you try to explain how the details Hajj, Umrah and shaved heads in Islam, and show how the details in doing the same worship by Hindus, remember to use strong arguments from quran s and the Vedas, we look at the location where the similarities? Prove your claim, i will waiting for your answer !!! 7. Circumambulating the Siva temple Kabah 7 times as Hindus did Answer: Around the fire seven times which is done is done by Hindu Hindus who are married, what to do with the Hajj??? Only equation number can not be said to be adapted around the Hindu rituals. Are people who are going for hajj with people being married??? You talk screwed, stupid !!! 8. Adopting the Hindu concept of washing all the sins by making the holy pilgrimage. 9. Collecting holy water representing Ganga Jal (zam zam water) as Hindus do to take holy blessings home. 10. Wearing White seamless cloth during pilgrimage as Hindus wear during their religious ceremonies and pilgrimages. Answer: Try to explain in detail the rituals based on their respective holy books, namely the Quran (Hadith be coupled with shohih if any) and the book of the Vedas, which show the location of the equation?! 11. Celebrating the completion of worship of Siva temple Kabah by giving it the Hindu Sanskrit name of Eid. Answer: Just resemblance language can not be said to be cheating, in this world there are hundreds of languages that are similar. Do want to say mimics all???! 12. Including all night worships of moon God Allah (Durga) called Jagratta as part of Islam. Answer: Try to write a prayer Jagratta it sounds like what it says??? Then show me where the Islamic prayer in a prayer-like Jagratta, show the location of the equation where??? You can only equate it!!! Not right at all, but forced!!!, With fixologi analysis and high-level chaotic. At any time until Islam will not be the same as the Hindu religion. Point Aqeedah is not likely owned by Hinduism is monotheism. If Islam is a derivative of Hinduism, of course we will not menuhankan One God, we too will worship other gods, but the evidence is not. Allah says in the (QS Al-Ikhlas: 1-4) : 112:1 Say, He is Allah , [who is] One, 112:2 Allah , the Eternal Refuge. 112:3 He neither begets nor is born, 112:4 Nor is there to Him any equivalent. If Islam is a derivative of Hinduism, then show that in the Quran there are other names of God that we shall call upon besides Allah ??? Just as Hindus worship many gods. The most obvious that the Hindu belief that is very similar to Christianity, that God can be transformed into a creature. If the Christian God, he transformed so being homo sapiens, but if the Hindu is not limited to that, it could also transformed as apes, pigs, elephants, cows and so on. Finished - Wassalam.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 17:22:05 +0000

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