APC Is Destined To Uproot PDP – Shamaki By: Ruth Choji on August - TopicsExpress


APC Is Destined To Uproot PDP – Shamaki By: Ruth Choji on August 18, 2013 - 4:34am in Share Hon Atiku Shamaki is a member of the House of Representatives representing Magama/Rijau Federal Constituency of Niger State on the platform of the defunct Congress for Progressive Change (CPC). In this encounter with RUTH CHOJI, the lawmaker expressed optimism that the approval by INEC for the merging political parties to form the All Progressives Congress is ordained by God to dislodge the PDP in 2015. CPC has massive support at the grassroots in the north; what should the supporters expect from the new APC? From the local to the state, there were problems, but when we merged, we all know that there must be consensus at all levels. There are efforts to unify us so we can achieve the same goal. In that sense at least, like in the ACN, they can only champion their national secretary. We will go straight to convention from the local level to national level of the party to elect the party structure. Being from the opposition, we intend to enlighten our supporters to understand what is happening beyond the registration of the party, I mean the new APC. We will go round and make them understand why we had to have the merger and what we hope to achieve with the merger. We will also let them know the need to come and vote for their people that will represent them at all levels. We have agreed that there will be consensus building in the new arrangement so as to ensure that we harmonise within ourselves before going in for any election. When you mention consensus, does this include sharing of positions Yes it involves sharing of positions, it doesn’t mean that we will just take position and give people, we are still talking about party structure, and our desire is to upset the incumbent party which is the PDP. So to achieve our goal and desire, we know that there must be consensus one way or the other. The PDP has set a track record of failure for the past 14years, it has been recycling the same people all over and we believe that Nigerians are tired; they are yearning for change which is what the APC is all about. So if we use congress to achieve that, I believe our supporters will agree. If you notice, the two major founders of the party (Buhari and Tinubu) have to put away their ambitions so that the merger can be a successful. It is common knowledge that Buhari and Tinubu have ambition to rule Nigeria, don’t you think this could cause a clash of interests during the elections I don’t think that there will be problem, and that is where the issue of consensus comes in. They are both willing to sacrifice their ambitions for the betterment of this nation. Nigeria is greater than an individual and if it means they drop their personal ambitions so that the nation can move forward and we have a successful merger, I think they are ever willing to do that. There have been reports of division in the ranks of the CPC as some have alleged that Gen Buhari has dropped some of his faithful lieutenants. How true are these allegations and what will it take to unite the fold again? I don’t think there is any division in the party. I am aware that whatever differences we have had have been resolved. The so-called camp of Buba Galadima has been resolved. I know him one on one, he is like a father to me and he has been given the post of secretary within the party. But usually, having quarrels in a party is normal, which shows that democracy is at work in the party and the CPC cannot be different. How true are insinuations that some people will defect to the ruling party and who are these people? Actually, we expect many prominent people from the PDP to join us, but I won’t mention names because that will be indicting and pre- mature. They are waiting for the weather to be conducive for them to cross over. Is the House Speaker, Tambuwal among those crossing over? I don’t know and if indeed, I won’t mention names because that could put some people in trouble. But supposing he does, will he be given the ticket and do you think he has what it takes to rule Nigeria? Of course he is a good leader. Do you know what it takes to lead the House of over 300 members? Some were your teachers in school, others are your mates, and others were your bosses. Whatever you think you know, somebody knows it better than you; so you can imagine how the speaker is dealing with such challenges and still getting along with them. If he can do that at this level, he can also lead Nigeria as president. We have a ruling party that has been in power for 14years and has state apparatus of governance at its disposal, how does the APC hope to upstage such a party from power Power comes from God and change is constant in life. Nothing is static in life. We are African and we used to wear leaves, but change made us what we are today and even the level we find ourselves as a nation is as result of changes. Coming back to the house, how is the implementation level of the 2013 budget You are a Nigerian and should also be able to assess the budge; it was supposed to start in November and by January, it is over. But I think something is wrong somewhere. There is a big gap somewhere; for us here, we have done our job. I won’t mention names, but the 2012 budget was not properly implemented; there were a lot of carry-over issues and we expected them to have finish with it before 2013; unfortunately, the right thing was not done at the right time. Sadly, it was returned for amendment and it is only the Nigerian people that suffer when such actions are taken. You can see that the system in the country is not good because cash is not flowing. And because in developing countries, government holds the key to every development, once it shuts its doors, every other door becomes closed. Is the budget the cause of the cold relationship between the House and the executive arm of government? That is not the only cause to be honest; we have tried as an arm of government to please the executive in so many ways. There should be a system in government that checkmates the other organs. If we had agreed to accept what they wanted, we would make money, but Nigerians will continue to suffer. Things cannot be allowed to continue the same way; now there is a system in place that is checkmating the executive and they are seriously kicking against it. Going back to your state, Niger, your governor has been in the news lately as one of those likely to contest the 2015 presidency. What is your take on this? I don’t know because he hasn’t come out to declare his interest; my governor has done his best for Niger state. He was among the governors that were stoned in Rivers state,; what does this portend for our nascent democracy That is the ‘gang city’ of politics. It is like that when two elephants fight it is the grass that suffers. I can perceive that the fight between the governor of Rivers and Mr President is rubbing on the whole polity. But I can say that it is shameful especially what happen in the House of Assembly. I am happy that the National Assembly took over the functions of the state assembly. There is need for us as politicians to iron our difference without allowing it to spill to the masses. It is undemocratic for the crisis to degenerate to this level. But I believe the National Assembly will resolve the problem before it gets out of hand. Would you say you have been able to touch the lives of your people since you were elected I started impacting positively on my people before I came here; that was why they sent me here, to do it on a larger scale. I don’t make cosmetic representation. I promised to make laws and also impact on their lives directly. I promised to give them direct dividend of democracy which is what I have done especially in 2012. I have never tempered with what was meant for my people, instead I even use my allowances to reach out to them. I was voted in, I didn’t rig elections to come here, so the least I can do is to take development to them.
Posted on: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 19:15:13 +0000

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