APPLES AND A FUNERAL~~~~ Once upon a time around 1973-74( this - TopicsExpress


APPLES AND A FUNERAL~~~~ Once upon a time around 1973-74( this one is going waaaay back!!)~~ For all you that grew up in that era and in Mc Curtain Co, you will know exactly what Im talking about. I hope to explain it so the rest of you will understand. I grew up at Haworth, and as strange as this might sound, we didnt get to go Idabel daily, so when we did go, it was kind of a treat. Back then there was 3 guys that walked around Idabel all the time....Red Laney, Claude Cheatum and Morgan Carlisle. As I look back on it, I never knew of anyone of them to be dangerous at all,,,,, but I was scared to death of them. I dont think they were homeless but they walked around all of the time. I saw them every time I went to Idabel. Now just to enlighten you a little bit about Morgan Carlisle, the rumor was when he was a young boy, he was hopping trains, missed his footing, fell and knocked a big hole in his head. He had a steal plate put in and he never was right again.~~~~ These are a few stories I had heard on him. He was walking down the road one time, in the hot summer time. All the crops were burning up. As he was passing this burnt up cornfield, he makes the statement to the man walking with him. God aint much of a farmer,,,is he?~~~~ Another time he was walking down a street in San Francisco and sees a sign in front of a business. The sign read CRABS FOR SALE $2:00 A DOZEN~~ He turned to the fellow beside him and said Im a millionaire and didnt even know it!!! I dont think he was talking about the crabs thats caught in the ocean!!! hehe ~~~ The only clothes I ever saw Morgan Carlisle was denim overalls, which was perfectly fine. On each side of overalls are two buttons that most people keep buttoned,,,,,, not Morgan Carlisle!!!!!! Funny I would notice this,,,,,, but I did.~~~~~~~~~~~ On with the story.....I CAN NOT remember who had passed away, but my cousin and friend Charlotte Gurley and myself felt like we should go to the funeral and pay our last respects. We told our teachers we felt we should attend ......anything to get out of school!!!!!!!!!!! We were around 16 I think. Now Charlotte was always very shy and still is. I know yall wont believe this, but at that time I was kind of shy too. We were just young and silly teenagers. ~~ We arrive at Norwood Chapel and quietly sit down, kind of at the back of the building.... The organ music was playing low and upon hearing this I always get a little emotional.~~~ Not many people were at this funeral so we had the whole pew to ourselves.....UNTIL Morgan Carlisle came in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He came in, with both buttons unbuttoned on his overalls and sit right down beside MEEEEEEEEE!!!! ( that story about the crabs flooded my mind!!!!!) Charlotte was on my left side and Morgan Carlisle on my right. I am immediately very uncomfortable.....wishing I had stayed in school!! Im sitting there miserable and what does Morgan Carlisle do?????? He takes out A BIG RED SHINY APPLE!!!! ( He doesnt get it out of his pocket, he reaches in where those two buttons werent buttoned and pulled that apple out!!!!!!!!!!) By this time Charlotte and I were just about in SHOCK!! What does he do next? HE TAKES A GREAT BIG BITEE!!!!!!!!!!! Now folks,,,,,in a chapel at a funeral,,,,THIS SOUNDED LIKE CANNONS GOING OFF!!! I CAN NOT begin to tell you how loud this was!!! I look at Charlotte and she looks at me and Im here to tell you WE GOT HYSTERICAL!! That was the worst feeling ever,,,,to get your funny box turned over at a FUNERAL!!!!!!! WAAAAY worse than getting tickled in church!!! We kind of compose ourselves and what happens............ HE TAKES ANOTHER BITE!!!! This time its worse than the first time!!!!!~~ I am bent over laughing so hard tears are streaming down my face!!!! I know we had to be making noise. I remember thinking I hope everyone is thinking Im taking this death real hard and they dont know Im laughing of out control!!! I was so ashamed of myself and I could not stop laughing!!!!! Just about that time,,,,one of those Ebouhotubbie boys that worked at the funeral home came by and tapped Morgan Carlisle on the shoulder and asked him to leave!!!~~~ WHEWWW!! He probably should have asked Charlotte and I to leave too, but he didnt!!!! Sooooooo~~~~ when I die,,,,,, I want somebody to bring a BIG RED SHINY APPLE to my funeral and chomp down on it when its real quiet!!!!!! Any volunteers???? HEHEHEHEHEHE!
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 18:40:53 +0000

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