AQUARIUS January 20 - February 18 Stress levels could shoot to - TopicsExpress


AQUARIUS January 20 - February 18 Stress levels could shoot to the moon on Friday, and your job is to stay grounded. Easier said than done so you might need to employ some preventative medicine. Chill on the cappuccinos and don’t think eating lunch at your desk will help you reach your deadline. Taking five minute breaks to move around and get fresh air every half hour will actually make you far more productive. This is brain science, FYI. Meeting friends in the evening can be cathartic but first, slip into a candlelight yoga class (your pals might join you there). Owe them a turn as designated driver? Friday’s your night. The taskmastering, teetotaling vibes won’t linger into the weekend though. (Phew!) Saturday’s quarter moon in Leo brings relationships to the forefront. You could discover amour sitting right under your nose with someone you’ve met casually before; even someone who lives in your building or nearby. La luna opens your heart to people with real relationship potential too. Clean house of the commitment-phobes, even if that leaves an empty space. Nature abhors a vacuum and your dance card will fill with new and improved prospects. This is especially true if you’re willing to meet the universe halfway and socialize in places where you might meet an eligible long-term option or stop carping about online dating and post a profile. Coupled Aquarians regain the romantic balance this Saturday too. If you’re giving too much, pull back; not giving enough—do something generous to surprise your sweetie. On Sunday, stop yourself before you pile another major project onto your plate. First, finish the ones you’ve started or just devote the day to recharging your batteries with unstructured playtime.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 14:32:39 +0000

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