ARE THE RCMP WORKING AS DILIGENTLY ON THE INVESTIGATIONS OF, MCGUINTY AND THE LIBERALS ORANGE AIR AMBULANCE SCANDAL as they did on Duffy scandal? Steven Harper has always claimed to have no knowledge of the things that Duffy was being investigated on. Duffys been expelled from the Conservative caucus and Wright has resigned. The Tories distanced themselves from both of them. On the other hand, Mcguinty made himself scares before the election, but has resurfaced at the throne speech, and was welcomed by with open arms. The Ontario Liberal government has driven away business from Ontario, cost the tax payers billions of dollars, and yet, Ontario voters have re-elected them with a majority government. Harper and his government have brought Canada through the 2008 downturn, kept Canada’s at the top of all the countries’ economies and made us the envy of many countries. In the 2015 election, let’s see some common sense from the citizens of Canada, Trudeau is all fluff and charm, but he has no experience on the world scene and experienced harden leaders. He has never operated or lead a business, infact, has never had a real job or needed to because he has lived off the trust fund left by Pierre. He is in favor of our reestablishing relations with Iran and other mid-east moslem countries, and is pushing for more immigration and refugees from those countries He admits he attends moslem mosques up front where Islam “only” allows true moslems be. Is Canada and Canadians ready to become slaves of Islam, pay jizya, (the moslem tax required from non-moslems), live under Sharia Law and have all their Rights and Freedoms taken away? VOTING IN A LIBERAL GOVERNMENT WILL BRING THAT HOME TO US. Educate yourselves my fellow Canadians, learn what Islam is, what it demands of its followers and WHY they are moving from country to county across the globle. The charges arise from housing expense claims, as well as the repayment of those expenses with a $90,000 cheque from Nigel Wright, Prime Minister Stephen Harpers ex-chief of staff. Good for the RCMP for pursuing the case so diligently. If Duffys convicted, he should face the full force of the law. Taxpayers have the right to know their money and their trust are respected by politicians. Lets compare that case to the criminal probes going on at the provincial level. Duffys been expelled from the Conservative caucus. Wright has resigned. The Tories distanced themselves from both of them. At the provincial level, there are two ongoing OPP probes relating to former premier Dalton McGuinty. The first involved e-mails deleted by members of his staff as he left office in the wake of the gas plant scandal. The second relates to the Ornge air ambulance scandal and the millions of dollars that went walkabout when the Liberals handed a public air ambulance system to a rogue CEO to manage. In the wake of his resignation, McGuinty disappeared for a year to Harvard. As long as the Liberals held a fragile minority, McGuinty was a liability for the party. The minute they got a majority, he was back -- front and centre. He showed up at the throne speech recently and was welcomed back with open arms by Premier Kathleen Wynne. So we have $1.1 billion squandered on the gas plants, e-mails deleted contrary to the rules and an Ornge chopper scandal all ongoing. And McGuintys forgiven and theres a big group hug all around. But a rogue senator fudging his expenses is somehow Harpers fault. Unlike McGuinty, Harper has governed with integrity. His government hasnt been involved in the kinds of billion-dollar scandals we saw with the McGuinty Liberals. No eHealths, no Colle-gates, no Ornges. No gas plants. Harper may not win the Mr. Personality award, but with his former finance minister, the late Jim Flaherty, he capably steered this country through some difficult economic times. They kept the country afloat when others were swamped in the 2008 downturn. Harpers fate could be similar to that of Winston Churchill. Winnie brought Britain through the war -- then ungrateful voters dumped him. Harper has competently brought us through tough times, but if indications are correct, voters are poised to toss him in favour of an untried Justin Trudeau. But then Trudeau has nicer hair than Harper. And voters will forgive anything -- scandals, mismanagement, incompetence -- if politicians just smile nicely as they stick it to them.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 06:15:19 +0000

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