ARE THESE TRUE? In recent times, we have been served with a lot - TopicsExpress


ARE THESE TRUE? In recent times, we have been served with a lot of messages on this page n some via Whatsapp.Fundamentally, these messages are, one way or the other affirming a preferential aspirant or denigrading another aspirant so the other will gain the upper hand. These developments are whimsical to some, nonetheless some envisaged these things would happen because of the political terrain. Consistently, one aspirant has been attacked, denigraded, ridiculed etc.The big question that as intellectuals we need to ask ourselves is ARE THESE THINGS TRUE? ***The said aspirant only gives information**** Amazingly, they have swinged the pendulum from he gives FALSE info but upon realising that these info are authentic n crucial they have revised their notes by saying that he gives only info.Indeed, the inconsistencies of these people are palpable. Pls let us all note something.The info that we receive sometimes gives us an idea as to what is happening n what we must do.One example, those who graduated just recently, personally i helped countless number of them to get their problems solved. For some, they couldnt graduate because their problems are yet to be solved. Through this, i researched into some of these problems which students face at latter days then i realised we seriously have to create the awareness so that these problems do not occur again.Thus the need for such relevant info. ***This aspirant is not strong n brave to talk*** Everybody who knows the said aspirant knows that this is fallacious n misleading all to throw dust into the very eyes of those who are oblivious.To them, their conviction is that strong students activists are those who have loud voices, who are ready to engage in hooliganism n pandemonium.As such, other activists who are not like that are cowards, fearoo etc.Their conception of who a student activist is? is undoubtedly wrong. We are in an intellectual discourse community where there is a continuum of discussion. Strong leaders are not students who will show their followers their power but when they get to authorities, their power disappear in thin air.We need people who have the intellectual acumen n prowess to engage authorities in discussions to drive home our points.We need intellectually sensitive minded student leaders to lead us but not propagandists who cannot do their propaganda infront of these Profs, Docs etc. ***The said aspirant is desperate for power*** Well, since they have decided to put on propagandist lenses, they see every genuine move as dubious n mere desperation for power. So, what about theirs? You never have joined, or have a discussion group yet u have created one for 100s teaching them. It is really not a bad idea to help others but if u can teach others why havent u been helping your mates in 300 or even friends close to u? Yet, they are the first to say someone is desperate for power, forgetting that most students if not all students have seen for themselves where the desperation for power is evident. ***This aspirant has not done anything for the association*** It is rather unfortunate that we have been served consistently with illogical, controvertible n inconsistent messages all to bring an aspirant down.At one breath, he has not done anything, at another breath, he is giving only info.Is this not a contradiction? Some people are quick in announcing at every nook n cranny what they have achieved for themselves n others, whereas others are reserved. To the Latter, u neednt openly tell people what u have done before your effort can be rewarded.In the light of this question, a few responses to students will do: -The talks on extension of payment of fees were spearheaded by DESAUG Executives n this very aspirant which was successful- u can ask DESAUG executives -When students were facing problems with registration, this aspirant was there to help students from Tamale, Wa, takoradi, Ho, Koforidua, etc. - When graduands were facing problems, this aspirant was there to help, by Gods grace some have graduated, n others are yet to get their certificates. -When the city campus saga got out of hand, this aspirant started encouraging all students to start going for tutorials though the Prez issued a directive that we should all boycott it.As at now , there is no directive asking students to start going for tutorials except the one this aspirant put out there to encourage students. -Academically, this aspirant has been helping his colleagues in 300 to get the best of grades, since level 100 n even L200s n L100s. These are, but just few facts to prove that all that some people are doing during this Election period is to make a potential aspirant unpopular n paint him black with their propaganda n defficient circulations. My advice to all students is that let us all open our eyes n ears wide so that we dont give power to the wrong hands which will have a consequential effect on us as students. IF WE BELIEVE WE HAVE GOOD PEDIGREE N BACKROUNDS THEN THERE IS NO POINT IN PAINTING OTHERS BLACK BCOS OUR DEEDS WILL SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES LET US ALL REMEMBER THAT #TEAMWILLIE WAS, IS, n WILL BE THERE FOR US ALL# God bless us all *Do E Do, Lets fix desaug* WILLIAM LATSEY©
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 18:21:33 +0000

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