ARE YOU PREPARED? By Muyiwa Afolabi Desiring, praying and - TopicsExpress


ARE YOU PREPARED? By Muyiwa Afolabi Desiring, praying and hoping for something good to happen to us isn’t a bad thing. Of course we all want the best for ourselves, our families and our future, hence we work, pray, hope and wish for the best at all times. In situations where it appears as though a particular expectation and desire is being delayed, we get impatient, restless and at times frustrated. Most times we believe certain goodies and accomplishments should come with time and once the time falls due and we don’t get it, we are not particularly happy. For example many today who are still single hope to get married one day. They almost daily talk to self, friends, and anyone who cares to listen about their expectations in marriage including the nature of ceremony, the kind of spouse, where they hope to live, number of children, standard of living and all that pertains to a wonderful marital experience. Many undergraduates today as well have great expectations regarding their career in future. Where they hope to work, the office environment, the pay packet, official car, training overseas and the likes and they are so persuaded in themselves that it shall be so. Many also in career today have expectations regarding, promotions, compensations, appointments, benefits, power, influence and speed. I don’t think there’s anyone in career that loves stagnation, demotion or irrelevance. Everyone wants to be where the action is. It is a fact that many have actually realised these dreams and are walking in the realities of these expectations and enjoying it too. While much more have been disappointed, frustrated and delayed. Is life unfair? Is it about fate or luck? What is the difference? The difference lies in what I call the principle of preparation, the principle of preparation. Frankly speaking good things come to everyone at one point in time or another in life. In fact bad luck is when an individual misses a good thing that came his way. So weather that great opportunity was seized or missed, it does not negate the fact that opportunities come to all. To explain further many today for example ought to be in the university but aren’t, not because they didn’t have the opportunity but because they didn’t pass the exams well enough. - Inadequate preparation. Many also ought to be working in very good establishments with world class operating procedures, exposure and a good pay but they are not there because they failed the interview – inadequate preparation. Many today also ought to have been promoted several times over but are still in the same position because they failed to qualify – inadequate preparation. In fact many that should have been happily married today are not, because they missed their spouses when they came; they didn’t recognise him or her. – Inadequate preparation. What is preparation? According to a dictionary it is a proceeding, measure or provision by which one prepares for something. It is to put in proper condition of readiness for what is to come. Opportunity is neutral. It comes to everyone; your quality of preparation however determines whether you can leverage it or bungle it. Take a look at yourself and your past. Can you recount the number of opportunities you’ve had to leverage for a better life, better relationship, better performance, better job, better result, better marriage, better career, better positions and quality of experience? But you bungled because you were not adequately prepared? Think about it. You see, preparation precedes opportunity. You don’t begin to prepare when the opportunity shows up, you should be prepared way before the opportunity shows up. According to our dictionary definition, preparation is to put something in a condition of readiness. To be ready. Many today may argue they were indeed ready for an opportunity and yet didn’t get it. The question is, were they really prepared and ready or they thought they were? Many of us in conditioning our minds and ourselves ready for an opportunity, we stop when we feel we should, not when we really should. We hardly complete a preparatory process.We do what we can and leave the rest to providence and divinity. We find ourselves not completing a preparatory process probably because we started late, were lazy about it or just took it for granted. Many of us today are not where we ought to be not because of the big things but because of the little things – the details. Due to time pressure and fatigue we focus on the big things and ignore the details thinking they don’t really matter. May i tell you this morning that true success and true readiness is in the details. The details we often take for granted is what usually disqualify us and makes a waste of all we thought was the big part of the pack. Most of what you desire in life and career, you lack the power to take unless and until it is handed over to you by those empowered to do so. You cannot choose to promote yourself or increase your income. Those with the power to do so are hence, watching you and your level of preparation to take it on. You don’t get promoted until those empowered to promote you are convinced you are ready for the next level; you can’t do anything about it dear. Impressive performance is preceded by serious preparation. One word, one figure, one formula, one fact one inaccuracy can disqualify you. It’s not the bite of an elephant that gives malaria but that of a mosquito. Being too confident at times can also cause you to take adequate preparation for granted. Whatever you want, whatever you expect, whatever you have to do never assume you’re ready without adequate preparation. Prepare for it, do your homework, rehearse and practice. If this opportunity does not come in the exact shade and form you thought it would, your adequate preparation will enable your manoeuvring and dynamism because you know the details and you will still deliver impressively. If you want to get to the top of your game, you must be fastidious in little things. Know it like you know your name. What’s your next big thing? Marriage, employment, promotion, appointment, parenthood or entrepreneurship? Are you really ready or distracted by the excitement and anticipation? You want a fantastic spouse, are you a fantastic person? You want a lovely marriage, are you a lovely person? You want a great job, are you a great employee? You want to rise up your career pretty fast are you a great leader and performer- efficient and result oriented? My dear friend, don’t be caught napping when your opportunity comes, surprise your opportunity with adequate preparation. Be ready, be wise. Enjoy your day.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 07:04:04 +0000

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