ARGENTINA. - The President has successfully completed the recovery - TopicsExpress


ARGENTINA. - The President has successfully completed the recovery period after the operation neurological drain right frontotemporal subdural hematoma which was filed on October 8 last. Strict adherence by the patient to the medical indications was of vital importance to their good performance. Comes now another stage: the gradual re-entry to the full exercise of power. As mentioned in previous columns, this is the most important challenge to be faced Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner . Continue working in this Dr. Facundo Manes . The medical report of yesterday no indication about when the President shall resume the exercise of its functions. In principle, it will be known only tomorrow. Speech, however, the limitation for air travel and the need to complete cardiac studies. Hence, the Holter long that is being done in order to make an assessment fine left bundle branch block who has the patient and determine the course of action to follow. The dilemma to be resolved is whether a pacemaker or not alternative in the past week was considered unlikely. A head of state await complexes days from the start. The problems are not few: inflation, the consequences of the election result, social demands are increasing, harmful side effects of the FX market and the growing tensions within the government. The level of confusion that reigns in the cabinet has made the discord among its members to multiply. There hardly anyone knows whats going on with the President. Worse, is Amado Boudou whose acting-ordered from Olivos - occurs in many officials mixed feelings of helplessness and outrage. increasingly questioned the vice president to lead merely acts and to sign the decrees that tells the President. Boudou is a figure wandering without any influence over ministers, secretaries of state and legislators. His lack of contact with management is evident. Thats why many times is paying, of which her internal opponents celebrate. To make matters worse, his legal situation worsens. The pace of investigations into the causes which involves the increasingly committed more, week after week. In an administration as absolutist as Fernandez de Kirchner, their absence creates a void that can not be filled by anyone. This naturally affects management. overbearing Beyond the case, what is experienced within the government is a paralysis of management. The grass at $ 30 a kilo, some brands of milk to $ 10 a liter, bread to $ 26 a kilo, talk about a price increase without control has accelerated in recent days. The decision to increase the budget by 80 billion pesos signed Boudou has a disturbing correlation: increasing the monetary issue. With measures like these we must say goodbye to any chance of curb inflation. In this framework, the Government creaks. The voices calling for change have begun to start from the very heart of Baldwin . There they are, out of doors, Misiones Governor Maurice Closs , and the strong man of Joseph C. Paz, Mario Ishii . Behind closed doors, many more. The keys go in two places: the Chief of Staff and the Ministry of Economy. To replace Juan Manuel Abal Medina sound the names of two governors: the Chaco, Jorge Capitanich , and Entre Rios, Sergio Urribarri . For the Ministry of Economy, the thing is much more difficult. With the desire to keep our promise minister Hernán I wanna go Lorenzino not enough. Nor output achieved with Guillermo Moreno . What is missing is an economic policy and for this you need a figure with its own political weight and influence over the President to convince implement measures that attack the root problems of Argentinas economy. The question is: Is there such a person ?, and if there is, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner is willing to listen? All this only serves to deepen the disbanding environment that exists inside the PJ. The meeting Daniel Scioli with 90 mayors Buenos Aires, it just for the moment continue to talk about their loyalty Kirchner, was a desperate attempt to retain them. The governor knows what is happening beneath the surface. contacts that sent most of these mayors held directly with Sergio Massa not a secret to anyone, let alone Scioli. These community leaders or yes need some sort of agreement with the hitherto mayor of Tigre to ensure good governance in their respective districts, something that today the governor not be guaranteed. Amidst all these games of power, was the severe Argentine bishops document warning about the dimension that takes every day in our country drug trafficking. The Argentina is defenseless against this scourge that the Church knows well. There is the example of the valiant and heroic work of slum priests that stand as the only barrier to this evil, in places where the absence of the state is total. The country is at risk of moving to a return difficult situation, said the bishops . s power should realize this urgently. The tightening of the AFIP -indeed the Gestafip of speaking many honest employees tired of watching the political use made by the government agency-to Magdalena Ruiz Guiñazú and suffered violent episode Alfredo Leuco are disturbing facts. A Magdalene the visited upon his return from Washington about home inspectors. Came to report to the Human Rights Commission , along with Joaquin Morales Sola , grievances, defamation and suffering escraches by sectors close to Kirchner journalists exercising their profession independently. The physical assault Alfredo, by four individuals who were traveling in two motorcycles in full Avenida de Mayo at noon amid a world of people coming and going, had all the characteristics of an event planned and executed with precision. The honest journalism is a key instrument to make more transparent society. Thats what bothers both the Government. journalistic Production: Guido Baistrocchi.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 16:07:20 +0000

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