ARTICLE - HUMANS GREATEST TRAGEDY IS NOT KNOWING THEIR TRUE ENEMIES At all stages in the political sphere one must realise that the American foreign policy is in support of Zionist Israel. Therefore, if they attack Iraq or act like they are getting rid of ISIS (when they created them), people must not get too skewed from their agendas. These are all false flag attacks so Obama can finish his legacy on a good note before his next predecessor. If Obama spends so much on military yet forgets his own people, then we ought to realise that something is not right here. During the times of Prophet Solomon (peace be upon him) we saw how Satan came in human form in a bid to deceive humans and turn them away from the truth. Thus, we must be vigilant and know the characteristics of all Satan’s advocates to understand what occurs around us. Satan’s main aim is to cause bloodshed, havoc, take people away from the truth by demoralizing them, and seek power through false promises and fear. No creature, no matter how powerful, can act without Allah’s (awj) sanction. For this reason, Satan has power to misguide only those people who have relinquished their belief in one Allah (awj) and have surrendered to the temptations of Satan. Accordingly, Satan himself admits that he has no power over Allah’s (awj) sincere servants when he swears, “I shall misguide them all except Your sincere servants.” (Chapter al-Hijr (15), Verse 39-40). Wherever we see these traits of misguidance we should be on our toes as such traits are those that support hatred and greed. If we encounter them, our stance should be the stance of every Prophet of the past and that is, to fight misguidance and arrogant forces at any cost. Imam Hussain (a.s) is the embodiment of such a great stance during the tyrannical rule of Yazid who aimed quash all freemen. Who is satan and what is his influence? Satan is a member of the class of beings called jinn. Like all jinn, he can transform himself into various forms, sometimes appearing as a man, sometimes as an animal. The only limitation placed on him is that he cannot manifest himself as a prophet or Imam (vicegerent). It is mainly through these transformations that Satan misguides people. At watershed moments in a person’s life, he appears as a well-wishing advisor and lays the groundwork for his destruction. All humans from Christians, Muslims or Jews are subject to this deviated creatures influence. Rather, he is the enemy of all forms of religions that allow one to ascertain nearness to God. Sometimes he embodies himself in the form of a religious scholars from a certain sect or another to seek out his means. At any cost, if a scholar is promoting divisions and bloodshed we should question their intentions and understand that he moves people from the path of unity with their Creator. Many are working for these Zionist or devil-worshipping atheists in the name of religion and are trying to promote to humanity peace when in fact they are the furthest from it. Today, the downfall and destruction of the world is solely because of the injustices prevalent all around. There are some who possess so much wealth that it cannot be estimated while there are others who are so poor that they cannot afford even a morsel of food. Power and authority are also on the same lines. Some people and countries wish that they should be able to control entire human race while everyone is subservient to them. They believe that the poor and the weak should not be in charge of their destinies; rather they believe that it is they who will govern the faith of the powerful nations. The Prophets (a.s.) raised the standard of justice and equity against these very satanic and rebellious superpowers. Prophet Moses (a.s.) raised the flag of justice and equity against the superpower of his time i.e. The Pharaoh. He (a.s.) advised him that if he eschews the path of disbelief, polytheism, oppression, tyranny, injustice and inequity and follows the path of monotheism, faith, justice, equity and equality, then he (a.s.) would not be concerned with seeking a kingdom or rule. The plea of Prophet Moses (a.s.) to Pharaoh was that he should forsake oppression and tyranny so that justice is established in the world and all the people could live in peace and harmony. Many are still unaware and are incapable of comprehending these facts as they take the face value without questioning what is occurring beneath the tables. Some see a person wearing a turban or cloak and perceive him to be God-sent when he is in fact fighting God in a direct manner. Take the Banu Ummaya who fought the Holy Prophet (saws) in the name or religion, representing the same forces we see today, ISIS and their likes. In order to understand who the enemy is we must observe a person’s actions. Those who create divisions in the human populace while they themselves are not part of the struggle to fight arrogance are questionable. They talk about peace but will not pronounce one word against arrogant tyrants or spell their name. These people’s sole aim is to consolidate their positions without caring about bloodshed being spilt. Why is humanity incapable of realising that these differences never mattered to the world when technology was not present 50 years ago? Was it not because humans were unaware of their surrounding and their scope of life was limited to their local sphere? Today, things have changed. Humans are able to know what occurs outside their comfort zone and are able to see what takes place around the globe in a click of a button. For the arrogant one percent who possess most of the wealth, they perceive this as a threat and as such they sugar-coat news headlines to their liking. If we recall, the war on Vietnam was lost only because news headlines portrayed the realities on the ground and humanity, seeing all this bloodshed, began to protest against the immense killings that took place. In our time there is more bloodshed than any period in the history of mankind and people remain silent about such unjust behaviours. Rather, they are promoting the ideologies of these powerful men by such silence. Why arent those big fellas sending their family members to fight the battles they are creating? As Imam Khomeini (r.a.) stated, America is the greatest Satan. He meant the US government and not the American people is creating unnecessary havoc to seek dominance. Those media headlines that inflate these kind of remarks try to skew the real messages of rightly guided men who followed morality and true justice. Therefore, those who oppose the immoral life of lusts and seeking worldly pleasures is labelled an imposter. In actual fact, these people are the same ones who promote unity among people but the temptations have skewed our aims in life. Those whose aims are to be subservient to the Creator are demonised whereas those presidents, as in the West, who live the “high life” are celebrated. For this reason humans will never be capable of seeing the truth unless they forgo such a lifestyle. One can be called a follower of Christianity, Islam or Judaism but if their lifestyle is not simple like the Prophets who lead these religions, than realise that we tread on thin ice. It is safe to say that we are in the end-times and the beastly system is deluding many for their incapacity to fight their inner evil before the enemy outside. It is because we cannot fight our own lusts within that this pleasurable lifestyle backed by an economy based on sin and interest that we are weak. Some even applaud these systems and give high regard to this lifestyle in the name of religion. It is clearer now that Satan does not always employ direct methods. He exists in an intermediate state between the material and the immaterial realms. For this reason, he cannot directly affect the immaterial spirit of the human being. Rather, he infiltrates a person’s thoughts by means of one aspect of the human soul called al-nafs al-ammarah (the lower soul). This is the animalistic aspect of the soul that can be transformed into al-nafs al-mutma’innah (the higher soul) through training and enhancement. It is through temptation and by showing the lower soul manifestations of what it desires that Satan paves the way to misguide man. For this reason, Satan is only a part of the cause of human misguidance and the other part is on our shoulders. Therefore if we encounter the Abu-Sufyan or the Yazid in our time, we should stand with courage knowing that our cause is greater as we seek the hereafter whereas the misguided peoples joy ends in this temporary and ephemeral world. May Allah (swt) guide all humanity to the true light of servitude and hasten the re-appearance of our Imam (ajtfs).
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 03:37:24 +0000

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