ATTENTION: ALL HOME OWNERS ACROSS AMERICA : PLEASE READ: I am looking to meet and network with all home owners who are interested in eliminating the burden of loosing there home. If interested send me a friend request and join my mailing list. Download the pdf document fill it out and mail it. And rest assured the place your family calls home will always be your home. The company I represent is Symmetry Financial Group. And what we do is keep american familys in there home and eliminate the burden of worrying about losing there home due to death or struggling to pay mortgage. By downloading the document and filling it out and mailing it. You have just made the best decision you will ever make regarding your home. Here are a list of reasons why. 1. Pays off your loan in case of death from accidental or natural causes 2. Pays your loans if you become sick or injured and can not work 3. Pays your loans in case of job loss 4. Returns your premiums if you outlive the term of the policy 5. Knowing your family will not lose the home no matter what the tragedy Contact Phone Numbers CJ Fields Office: 828-686-5059 E-Mail: CJ@sfgbusiness Fax: 828-365-105
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 11:51:08 +0000

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