ATTENTION PLEASE.... I love how a felon can collect ssi , - TopicsExpress


ATTENTION PLEASE.... I love how a felon can collect ssi , medical,food stamps, ext. While fully capable of working and obviously doing so. Our government who protects him from having to pay child support for three children he abandoned, bailed him out on a quarter million dollar UNSECURED BAIL, and allows him to collect from each and every working Americans pocket. This is why he doesnt have to pay child support. Because our government says as long as he is getting life handed to him he doesnt have to support the ones he created. How is this possible???? Someone please explain this to me. Now I who have these three children cant collect a damn dime. My kids dont get food stamps, medical, cash, or child support.....And please dont think Im some rich woman because unfortunately I have a minimum wage paying job, that cant even cover the bills. Now fortunately my children have an amazing man who has been a wonderful daddy . Who tucks them in every night, plays with them, gets them anything they need, while fulfilling some of their wants, he works hard everyday to support them as well as the dead beat sperm donor. Someone please explain to me how this is OKAY? On top of all this I have a protection order against him for abuse on myself as well as my children. However thanks to our wonderful government yet again and their loopholes My children and I still face extreme ridicule, unnecessary harassment, vulgar obscenities, on a regular bases from his girlfriend and her family. Due to us being in a small town its extremely hard to avoid all of this. Example a couple weeks ago I took my two young girls to a local picnic and upon leaving the girlfriends sister decided to scream horrible obscenities while hanging out her vehicle window without being provoked in any way. Hand in hand with my five and six year old girls we walked threw crowds of people to this woman screaming whore, slut, cunt, skank, etcetera... Finally reaching my car scrambling to unlock the doors and get my children in the car my six year old turns to me and ask mommy whats a whore? Why should I have to even hear this from my little girl? After all he is the one who left and impregnated the seventeen years old. (at that time). How did that make me all of those horrible things? Now this has been going on for four years. Not a dime in child support, no happy birthdays, no holidays, ext. Now I dont expect anything from this lowlife . Matter fact I know not to expect anything from Scott Evans. Ill probably struggle threw the rest of my life to support and raise my children and thats fine because I am a mom who will always be their mommy. However I hate the fact that we have to bust our asses to pay for people who live this way each and every day. THIS IS TRUE FRAUD.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 17:18:47 +0000

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