ATTENTION..... RULES FOR TEAM GAME BATTLE.MONTHLY IPON POINTS.MONDAY THRU SAT......AUG.05-SEPT.05.. (MUST READ) 1.ATTENDANCE IS A MUST...Before the game start,every Game Master asking you and your partner to sign in....Corresponding points will be given for those who are present.. *Please use only one original account to avoid misunderstanding when in comes of checking... 2.NO LIKE,NO POINTS.. You and your partner should like the given questions..NO LIKE,answer wouldnt accepted.. 3.All answers should START WITH CAPITAL LETTER ONLY(not all letters) 4.Put your CODE capitalize after your answer...(ex:COF20) 5.Answer will be the same as game master answer. 6.NO Edited.... Spam answer?COPY AND PASTE IT. 7.Any questions/corrections please tell the game master in a respective way...No arguments.. 8.Scoring scheme..BY TEAM.. *50-40-30-20-10 9.Every game theres a bonus question... SCORING.... FIRST TEAM got the correct answer will be given 100 points SECOND TEAM 80 points THIRD TEAM 60 points... and the rest 50 points.. 10.Task every saturday... Sunday no task..... Thank You and Good luck everyone. COF MANAGEMENT
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 04:05:05 +0000

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