ATTN POSEYVILLE AREA FRIENDS---I need to quickly spread word about - TopicsExpress


ATTN POSEYVILLE AREA FRIENDS---I need to quickly spread word about an incident that happened to me tonight. I was outside at approx. 7:30 p.m. and a man approached our fence. Our dog, Sarge, would not let him get too close. (Good dog, thats EXACTLY why we have him!) He asked me about my satellite service. I said, Im going to need to see your ID. He responded, You need ID, ok I have it here. He began to approach my gate. I said, Hey, wheres your truck? He stated, Uh, I dont know, its parked somewhere else, there are 4 of us in town. REALLY?! I said, Hold on a sec and ran in the house. I saw Russ pulling in the driveway just as I was going inside. I ran through the house and met him in the driveway. By that time, the guy was walking around the perimeter of our fence, Sarge still following him on the inside. He did say, he didnt want to enter the yard because of the big dog. Russ talks with him from there. Later, Russ catches up to the 4 guys who are NOT in a company truck, but a personal yellow sportscar. NONE of them have company ID. Only 3 had drivers licenses. The guy who came to our house complains that I was rude. The jackass came to MY HOUSE at 7:30 p.m. on a FRIDAY NIGHT without company ID or a company vehicle. My first thought is that hes casing houses to see whos home & who isnt on a Friday night! Russ advises the guys that it doesnt reflect well on their company to not be in a company vehicle or possess company IDs. They allegedly claim they do contract work for Direct TV and Dish Network. THESE STATEMENTS are MY OWN and not Russ. DO NOT COME TO MY HOUSE AND CLAIM THAT IM RUDE WHEN YOU DONT LOOK PROFESSIONAL, ACT PROFESSIONAL AND ARE WALKING AROUND WELL PAST NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS. Please be aware of your surroundings at all times. Please be aware of strangers who seem out of place and dont be afraid to ask questions. It is MY HOUSE and the burden of proof is upon you to prove your identity. I dont have to be nice to you....and the funny thing is--I wasnt rude. I was direct and to the point in my questions. Excuse me for not inviting your creepy ass on my porch and handing you a glass of iced tea. Im not hospitable when things dont add up with your story. Oh--and just in case you DID get past Sarge, I guarantee you wont like the kind of hospitality youll find me greeting you with at the door. The last time we went, my group was tight and dead center mass.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 02:40:51 +0000

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