AUG 10......2014....PRAISE GOD...FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS - TopicsExpress


AUG 10......2014....PRAISE GOD...FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW....PRAISE HIM,,,,ALL CREATURES HERE BELOW.....PRAISE HIM ABOVE ALL HEAVENLY HOSTS....PRAISE FATHER,SON HEAVENLY GHOST.......TODAYS SERMAN...WITH PASTOR NED ATKINSON....STUDY OF MATHEW...5;10....BLESSED ARE THOSE WHOM ARE PERSECUTED,FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS.SAKE FOR THEIRS IS THEE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN.....finding GODS PATHWAY.....STUDY of PSALM......77;10;20....your way was thee sea.....Your path in thee great waters. STUDY OF ENGLISH CHANNEL...... 1994 was thee channel,first proposed in 1802,by NAPOLELEON.S engineer. ALBERT MATHIEU.....THEE PASSAGE BENEATH THEE ENGLISH CHANNEL....allows travel by train each day,between ENGLAND and FRANCE.For centries people sailed this channel until completed.GOD planned an unexpected route for his people as well. EXODUS 14;10;22....Faith with certain death either from PHARAOHS ARMY,or by drowning. Thee Israelites were near panic.GOD PARTED thee red sea and they walked through on dry land....years later thee PSALM writer ASAPH used this event as evidence,of GODS MIGHTY POWER....YOUR ROAD LED THROUGH THEE SEA,YOUR PATHWAY THROUGH THEE MIGHTY WATERS,.....A PATHWAY NO ONE KNEW WAS THERE.!YOU LED YOUR PEOPLE ALONG THAT ROAD LIKE A FLOCK OF SHEEP....AND MOSES AND AARON AS SHEPHERDS.PSALM;77;19;20.........nlt..........GOD CAN CREATE ROADS WHERE WE SEE ONLY OBSTACLES......WHEN THEE WAY AHEAD OF US SEEMS SO UNCERTAIN.,WE MUST KEEP IN MIND WHAT GOD...HAS DONE IN THEE PAST. HE SPECIALIIZES, IN PATHWAYS REGARDING ANY CIRCUMSTANCES......ONES THAT POINT US TO HIS LOVE AND POWER.....THANK YOU GOD FOR THEE MIRACULOUS WAYS YOUVE WORKED IN THEE PAST.HELP ME REMEMBER YOUR POWER AND FAITHFULNESS...WHEN I CAN SEE ONLY TROUBLE AND DIFFICULTY. .......THEE GOD WHOM HAS CREATED A WAY FOR OUR SALVATION....... CAN CERTAINLY ....SEE US THROUGH OUR DAILY TRIALS..... A dark RAIN CLOUD was OVERHEAD on this particular day. .....I thought to myself ....IM GOING TO GET SOAKED, however time to go to thee churchhouse......Thee exact minute , I began walking down thee footpath straightaway ,it began to rain.I litterly and ....eagerly .began dashing foreward downward toward thee trail.. CHRIST than placed on my HEART and MIND....thee image ....of people stampeding all about in a single direction.....while falling into one another.....INORDER TO HEAR HIS WORD.....I sudenly thought to myself.......ONE DAY THEE WORD WILL BE NON EXISTANT,...and NOWHERE TO BE FOUND,....SO WE MUST TAKE IT UPON OURSELVES...TO LEAN UPON THEE ALMIGHTY,.....WITH PRAYER AND WORSHIP.....FOR THEE END...IS CLOSING IN.... THERE WILL BE NO PAPERBACKS...TO BE FOUND...NOT EVEN ,,,,,,THEE PAGES TATTERED AND TORN., DESK JACKETS...MISSING FROM THEIR BINDERS.....I BELIEVE THOU SHALL ALL BE SEIZED....AND THEE WORD OF CHRIST....SHALL BE FOUND WRITTEN ONLY,ON THEE TABLETS OF OUR HEARTS.......Their clothing, ripped and torn gave off thee effect of cheap reachmedowns......hurrily draped over burlap sacks ......[as they were bunch of dissplaced immagrants ....going off to war]. Shades of dark browns and greys ,soaken through by thee storm weathered like their souls of NONBELIEF.....i thought to myself ......these people must have represented.....THAT OF A LOST NATION.......SCURRYING TO BE FOUND. !! I had arrived saturated however plunged into thee sermon CHRIST had prepared for me....THIS ONE MUST HAVE BEEN EXTRA SIGNIFICANT I thought....while few followers rushed over to drape me with jacket and handed few hankerchies...for dampening thee drenched prairie dog.....thee cat drug in....and so this I probably appeared to be. THEE BEGANING OF THEE SERMAN THEE PASTOR SPOKE ABOUT A GATHERING THAT WAS GOING TO BE TAKING PLACE ON A PARTICULAR DAY....AND ONE FOLLOWING.......WOULD BE A POTLUCK LUNCH...PREPARED BY LOVING HANDS SPOKE LOTS BOUT RETRIEVING LOST SOULS......WHOM WERE THIRSTY FOR THEE WORD OF CHRIST...AND THEE CHILDREN BORN UNTO THEM... . Immediately after thee service had taken place I headed homeward bound........While walking down thee right side on thee ruged path I NOTICED an amazing beautiful butterfly hovering over lavender flowers. its colors were that of BLACK,AND BLUE stripes WITH SPOTS OF ORANGE... on thee corners of thee wings . Than I thought , as a tear came to my eye....THIS MUST OF REPRESENTED THEE WOUNDS AND THEE BLOOD, THAT CHRIST SHED FOR US HIGH UP ON THAT CROSS ON THEE HILL OF GHAILALEE. PRONOUNCED AND PROUD HIS COAT OF MANY COLORS THAT HE WORE PROUDLY,JUST AS CHRIST DID ON THAT VERY SPECIAL DAY. AN INSECT OF HONOR !! I CROSSED over to thee other side approaching thee . sight I had seen that had caught my eye on thee other side of thee trail . deep unholy colored asphalt has taken thee place of thee rugged narrow peace of clay plantation that once was.,and was now seperating thee two. A Possum that had transcended beyond . That of a lost soul must of been , at one time vibrant , was now sedentary where he lie ., while moving out of harms way with my right foot., I thought a second time would be rather a Double Disspleasure to an otherwise CHEEKY CHARACTER of GODS CHOOSING......however did not prioritize his get a way a priority on a particular day prior. I thought to myself THIS EVENT WHICH HAD TAKEN PLACE MUST HAVE REPRESENTED THAT OF LOST AND DEAD SOULS ,OF FOLLOWERS THAT ONCE WERE THAT OF GODS .CHOOSING BUT HAD FALLEN BY THEE WAISTSIDE AND SUFFERED IMMENCELY AS A RESULT,HOWEVER HAVE VOWED TO ONE DAY RENEW THEIR DEDICATION REGARDING THEE HOLIEST OF HOLY [S]......... I SHALL CONCLUDE THAT ALL OF US HAVE FALLEN SHORT OF THEE GLORY OF GOD AND NO ONE IS PERFECT EXPECT FOR HE,.ITS NOT TO LATE FOR US TO REDEDICATE OUR LIVES TO THEE LORD AS HE IS WAITING ALWAYS , WITH OPEN ARMS . HE HAS DIED FOR US ONCE SO THAT WE DONT HAVE TO SIN AGAIN....... ......FOR THEE FIRST TIME HE PAID THEE PRICE AND OUR SALVATION IS NOW FREE !! ITS NEVER TOO LATE TO REDEDICATE,,!! JOHN 3 16....FOR GOD SO LOVED THEE WORLD THAT HE GAVE HIS ONE AND ONLY BEGOTTEN SON TO DIE ON THEE CROSS ....AND SAVE US FROM OUR SINS ....THAT WE SHALL NOT PERISH BUT HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE AMEN AND AMEN thee story portion of this chapter has been pattened prior and written over as rough draft...... ........Jacque street
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 06:06:37 +0000

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