AUTOMATIC WICKED TICKETS OR POLITICAL RASCALITY! Disrespect for the generality of the citizens is clear indication of the level of disconnect between the leadership and the people. Jonathans ambition has overruled the yearning of the people. Even when we cry about attacks in our homes, all we hear is that, go and find the sponsors among yourselves. Our children got missing and our homes got burnt down, we are being bombed and killed on daily basis, all we got is some few individuals imposing themselves in the name of AUTOMATIC TICKET. Because they are fond of blackmailing themselves, the best they can do is to bribe themselves with automatic ticket. Shamelessly, those that got the seats for the first time are the most desperate that are ready to do the most dirtiest job for the sake of their paymaster, may be killing or rigging elections. The few innocent ones among, are those that financed the party and have been paying off some thugs that have done some dirty jobs over a long period. All they do is breeding and promoting rascals as benefactors of political parties. With all these, my fellow citizens are busy celebrating a failed process put together by clueless heads that have no respect for the laws of the land. Not even their pretentious prayers will save us from a catastrophe that is about to befall us. They are as unrepentant as the long-aged Satan that vowed to destroy mankind, all that matters to them is wealth, riches, power and fun. Mind us, Buhari alone cannot confront this Armageddon, our collective conscience is the antidotes for such a demonic system. This is to remind us that each one of us has a role to play in bringing the desired change. THEREFORE, IF YOU ARE IN ANY OF THE POLITICAL PARTY, ASSOCIATE AND WORK WITH TRUE PATRIOTIC CITIZENS, EXPOSE THOSE WICKED FEW THAT ARE UNDERMINING OUR SYSTEM BECAUSE, THEIR HANDWORK WILL SURELY AFFECT US ALL.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 09:09:31 +0000

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