Abbott has no plan for the Economy: Clive Palmer Australia’s - TopicsExpress


Abbott has no plan for the Economy: Clive Palmer Australia’s economic outlook would remain weak under Tony Abbott unless the PM could provide a clear and immediate plan for growth, according to Federal Leader of the Palmer United Party and Member for Fairfax, Clive Palmer. “The Abbott Government has no leadership and no plan for the economy,’’ Mr Palmer said. “The lack of vision being displayed is breathtaking and is robbing all Australians of the future they deserve.” Mr Palmer said that for Australia to properly succeed, the investment community needed a clear understanding of what Tony Abbott’s vision for this country was. “Unfortunately we are not seeing that vision and it is having a major impact on our economy,’’ he said. “Australia needs urgent plans for economic growth. Strong leadership and direction is required immediately. “The Abbott Government clearly has no economic strategy for growth including increasing domestic demand and money supply.” Mr Palmer said the Federal Government needed to forget about selling its budget and focus on helping Australian enterprise grow. “We need to create more jobs and new enterprise. We can’t abandon our living standards and jeopardise our health system by failing to act. “The Government seems devoid of economic leadership. It’s just more of the same under Tony Abbott – the Government fails and the people pay.”
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 06:24:44 +0000

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