About 10 years ago, I wanted to receive the sacred thread so I - TopicsExpress


About 10 years ago, I wanted to receive the sacred thread so I could begin to study Vedas. When I had asked all the local priests where I was living at that time if they might conduct upanayam samskara (sacred thread-giving ceremony) for me so I could study Vedas, they all said no giving the reason that it would not be right for me to wear yajnopaveetam (sacred thread) or to chant Vedas, because I was not born to a brahman family. I felt very sad and was crying. Then the Goddess Kali came to me and told me it was alright and that She would give me upanayanam. She guided me as I conducted the upanayam rituals myself. I placed kumbha (water pot) and conducted havan (fire ceremony). She would say, chant this mantra and offer this. Fast now and bathe now and wear new clothes, etc. She instructed me as I purified myself spiritually and conducted the rituals. She empowered the ceremony and gave diksha for me to recite the gayatri mantra and to conduct sandhya vandanam. Several years later, I experienced nirvikalpa samadhi while chanting Gayatri mantra as the Sun was setting, in the back yard of the house where my bodys parents live. I have been very blessed to have the Goddess present in my life and lucky to have this special blessing and initiation from the Goddess Herself. It was a very powerful ceremony. By the grace of the Goddess, I have learned many Veda mantras and now teach Westerners, Indians, Men, Women, and Children to chant Vedas. This is all by the grace of the Divine Mother who has initiated my practice and taught me all that I know.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 04:18:13 +0000

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