About Time was a charming, heartfelt joy of a film. it honestly - TopicsExpress


About Time was a charming, heartfelt joy of a film. it honestly kept surprising me on where it was going, and thats a good thing. Big kudos for not going into the standard plot routes. This may have pissed off some people (it may have, I didnt read any other reviews), but for me it worked. The trailers and the movie both say my extraordinary ordinary life - which is spot on. What we see in About Time is a mans normal life - albeit from a financially and familial comfortable standpoint - with the quirk that he can travel in time by will. In many ways its awkward guy (Im look at you, me) wish fulfillment. This here awkward guy Tim (Domnhall Gleeson, son of Branden - so Bill Weasley is Mad Eye Mooneys real life son - doing a fine job) is able to redo every awkward moment until its right. A trait inherited through the male line in his family - his father being Bill Nighy, who is fantastic as always in a less showy role than normal- he steps back to let the others shine). Though Tim we learn that not all things can be changed or should be changed if we had the chance - some lessons must be learned and our experiences make us who we are. Rachel McAdams is again a time travelers wife but here she doesnt have much to do, existing as Tims great gf/wife. Luckily this underwritten role has a good actress to give it heart. The same goes with most of Tims friends. We usually only see them in the big life events we are shown rather than character/relationship-building scenes so while we are told these people are close and important we dont really see it leaving them slightly disjointed but luckily all are played with such humor and charm it still works. Not to mention the dialog is excellent. It flows naturally with the drama and humor that comes in life, if not a big worked up to fit a film. Point it - didnt feel unnatural (coughTheCouncilorcough) and thus the characters felt real. Special note for Lydia Wilsons Kit Kat. Girl to watch! Loved the uncle, who is there for quirk humor but well received. Recommend. Kinda Spoiler here at the end - not for what it says but what the movie doesnt do.... I kept thinking as he made changes that hed muck it all up big - or have a big thing he needs to fix in the third act. Well, Tim doesnt. This is the ordinary life I was talking about. It was refreshing not to have a I need to fix what I fudged hurdle. The trailers however, do make it out to be like that with McAdams having the line about not knowing him late int he trailer. However this is early in the movie.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 08:06:58 +0000

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