Absolutely xxx Ask the children who the best teachers are in - TopicsExpress


Absolutely xxx Ask the children who the best teachers are in the present system, and amend the way we select teachers to better match the strengths the children appreciate. I want to see kids looking forward to school. Its possible. I want to support a system that pays teachers SO well that people are queuing up to prove to the kids, children or students - the age range they feel most comfortable with - that they both want and deserve to be one. I want to support a selection process for teachers that is rigorous and appropriate both academically and pastorally to the needs of the populations they serve - the students. Ask the children, not what makes a good teacher, but who their good teachers are and why. Then interview these teachers for your selection criteria. Include in the selection process a questionnaire where the first question is, Do you like kids? the second, Do you like working with people? and includes on-going assessment for the rest of their careers from the students, support staff, cleaners and colleagues. No-one in a school system should be excluded from anonymous reporting where numbers crunch, and the weight of numbers minimises outlying effects. Ask the children who the best teachers are and why. Children know who they are. Children will come to school for good teachers, for some because they like them even, though they cant teach but I come away feeling good, for others because they dont like them, but man, they can teach and I respect (and want some of) their knowledge. We respect others for the needs they can meet in us. We all have needs for nurture and feel good as well as information. No one teacher can or should be expected to meet all of them equally. Let them be who they are, and give the children a significant and on-going share of the vote as to whether or not they merit their post. Ask the children. This can be done anonymously through the same reporting system that has teachers so assiduously reporting on children. Make space for the students voices. They will vote in their thousands, and the weight of numbers will tell us who the good teachers are. I predict the criteria of how we select, train and rate teachers will change. It will simplify, and everyone will feel the relief of a step in the right direction. Give the students a voice and heed it. Im pretty certain this lazy teachers job would be secure.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 05:57:13 +0000

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